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Free Mike and Ike Tangy Twisters

Categories: Candy,Candy News


Mike and Ike Tangy Twister

The gang over at Hey it’s Free has posted a possible link to free candy. I say possible because it looks like it’s a link to a prize-winning page and not an authentic “sign up and get stuff free” page. Read the info over at HIF and fill out the form. The worst that can happen is you waste a minute giving your mailing address – the best that can happen is you get free candy in the mail! It’s got potential though since the page at says “Free Candy Winner” and “Hey winner! Complete the following information to redeem your prize.”

There’s no telling how long (or if) this will work, so do it quick!

candy, sweets, free, freebie, freebies, Mike and Ike

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One Response to “Free Mike and Ike Tangy Twisters”

  1. 1
    Kat says:

    If anyone is wondering where this form came from… The official way to “win” free candy is to play their game on the mike and ike website. It’s a little 3 reel slot that you sit there and spin and spin and spin until you match 3 mike and ike packages, then you are sent to this redemption page and are sent the free candy. I actually won by spinning at the game, but it appears that people have posted the redemption link in lots of places on the web for free stuff. It took a loooong time playing that game, and almost put me to sleep several times. Hope you all still get the candy without playing!!

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