If you’ve ever wondered how those scrumptious Kisses are created at the Hershey’s factory, you are in luck! The gang over at coolstuffbeingmade.com have released another great video showing how candy is made. Previously, they showed how chocolate is made, and holiday candy being made. This time, they have a great 45 minute video from 2001 showing how Hershey’s Kisses are made. From silos of milk to bagged Kisses packed in shipping boxes and stacked on pallets – you get the whole story from start to finish.
Ironically, it wasnt my trip to the Hershey Chocolate Spa last January that was the best part of the weekend – it was going to Hershey’s Chocolate World and seeing how the factory makes chocolates! They gave out free hershey bars at the end, too! :) Happy Chocolate Day!
February 14th, 2007 at 11:28 amOh, Amy! You’re so lucky! I really want to go to Hershey, PA someday!
February 15th, 2007 at 5:51 pmBrian, thank you for posting the link to that video! Wow! Kisses really get special treatment! SO many clever devices! I think I said, “that’s brilliant!” about 25 times! LOL! XD
I also liked how the man conducting the tour had such an expressive face, particularly his eyebrows. He really seemed to enjoy what he does. And so would I!
wii would like to play :-)
July 2nd, 2007 at 4:26 pmThats wikitty whack yo!
November 26th, 2007 at 10:24 pm