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Friday Fun: The Great Flying Mintini

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Altoids Mint

Altoids has a great website despite it being almost all Flash (which I hate for navigation). In their Flash game “The Great Flying Mintini” you must control the angle and power of Mintini being shot out of a cannon. Try to grab Altoids tins while flying through the air and you MUST land in the marked landing area.

It’s tricky but very fun. Above you see my score the first time I tried it and didn’t know what I was doing. See if you can beat it!

candy, sweets, mint, mints, Altoids, game, games, Flash

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One Response to “Friday Fun: The Great Flying Mintini”

  1. 1
    Bonnie says:

    Like the Candy Addict, I don’t read instructions either. I guess it’s hereditary. Fortunately, “The Great Mintini” was the only one who suffered this time from my willy-nilly, reckless game playing style.

    The game is a little tricky to begin with, but super fun once you understand how to play. Challenging and I approve. I really enjoy the sounds of the game. And it makes me want minty goodness.

    85 tins = 52000 point! Oh yeah.

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