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Lotte Gum Unbalance – Jenga with Gum

Categories: Candy,Candy Games,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gum

Lotte Gum Unbalance Game

If you like Jenga and you like gum, Lotte Gum Unbalance Party Game could be just the thing for you. Like Jenga, Gum Unbalance is set up like a tower of rows of blocks. The object is to remove one block per turn without crashing the stack to the ground. Instead of plain wooden blocks, Gum Unbalance uses replicas of Lotte Black Black, Cool Mint, and Green Gum packs. There’s also a dice-rolling component, which I don’t remember with Jenga. Whichever color you roll corresponds to the gum you must pull.

With the holiday shopping season already in swing, Gum Unbalance could make a great gift for the Candy Addict in your life.

candy, sweets, gum, Lotte, games, game, Japan, Japanese

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