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Vitaball Vitamin Gum

Categories: Candy,Candy For Kids,Gum

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Have you or your kids ever found excuses to skip your multivitamin? I’ve seen ads for Vitaball Vitamin Gum for quite some time, and since I love gum and should take vitamins, I decided to do some research. According to the Vitaball website, their product is acceptable for people age five or older, and should be chewed for a minimum of five minutes.

The original assortment comes with cherry, bubble gum, grape, and watermelon gumballs. Vitaball Wild ‘N Fruity offers lemon, strawberry, orange, and berry. Minis are only available in bubble gum flavor, and three gumballs instead of one should be chewed to get the product’s maximum benefit. A thorough question and answer section explains important details like nutritional content, and whether or not it’s harmful to swallow Vitaball (it’s not). Each regular-sized gumball contains 4 grams of sugar and 100% of the recommended daily allowance of 11 vitamins.

A container of 36 Vitaballs runs about $8 online, and you can check the company’s website for retailers near you. I haven’t yet decided if I’ll try Vitaball, but maybe the novelty of the product will help me commit to a vitamin regimen. I wonder if kids can get out of trouble for chewing gum at school if they claim mom gave it to them as their vitamin?

candy, sweets, gum, gumball, gumballs, vitamins, Vitaball, kids

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5 Responses to “Vitaball Vitamin Gum”

  1. 1
    andy says:

    I’ve had Vitaballs quite often and I think they’re a pretty decent way to get your vitamins. There is certainly a vitamin-y taste to them and if you got one out a vending machine you would probably spit it out because of that. But knowing that it’s a vitamin gumball, I think the taste is pretty reasonable.

    And besides, where else am I going to get my vitamins? Vegetables? Get real, buddy!

  2. 2
    Cassie says:

    These are ok, but I prefer the Orangne flavored chewables.

  3. 3
    Peggy says:

    I LOVE the vitaballs! I am 44 years old. Due to medical issues, I cannot digest regular vitamins. I am sick of childrens chewables. I am hooked on Vitaballs. I can blow bubbles all day with one piece! I like the taste. every now and then my daughter comments on the “vitamin” smell when I blow a bubble.

  4. 4
    Vitamins to purchase says:

    Now there’s a great idea. I have problems myself digesting vitamins.

    Hope their not addicting.

    …..and their colorful! Love it!

  5. 5
    diane says:

    i love vitamin water , so i’ll have to try the gumballs !

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