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Candy Review: Haribo Build-A-Burger

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Novelty Candy

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Haribo Build-A-Burger

A few years ago, I spent a summer in Germany. Ever since then, I’ve been on a quest to find a certain candy that I loved but I cannot remember the candy’s name. So, to make me feel a little better, I tend to go on candy-buying sprees, looking for anything that might fill that void. During my most recent attempt, I purchased a box of Haribo Build-A-Burger bags, twelve in all. Yes, I admit it, I’m a Candy Addict. That’s why I’m here. Anyway, on with the review!

Haribo Build-A-Burger consists of three different gummi candies packaged together. One flavor is a top foamy bun with gummi lettuce, another a bottom foamy bun with gummi hamburger patty, and the third is a foamy cheese with gummi tomato. Put together, they would resemble a complete cheeseburger. Each flavor is slightly different, though none come close to any flavor I could put a name to.

What I enjoy about these are the foamy backs – this is the texture I’ve been searching for in a gummi. It’s a very soft gummi, almost like a regular gummi minus the shine and with more air bubbles. The regular gummi front, however, is just exactly like most gummies out there today – firm and chewy, with a definite flavor. I prefer the backs, with their more subtle flavor and softer texture, but even I’m not desperate enough to go through and cut all the backs off to eat separately. Yet.

Overall, it’s a very enjoyable candy, with a nice flavor and interesting combination of textures. I would think of it as more a novelty than something most people would seek out, but it’s certainly worth a try.

candy, sweets, haribo, burger, burgers, gummi, gummy

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7 Responses to “Candy Review: Haribo Build-A-Burger”

  1. 1
    aoi says:

    I tried these, I bought them because I liked the tiny burgers, they are so cute! ^_^

  2. 2
    Jodi says:

    I have had the spongebob krabburger ones. It’s two buns, lettace, and then a pinkish patty. I like the foam chewy texture :D (but I hate spongebob, that is what i do for my candy addiction!)

  3. 3
    A Hamburger Today says: Reviews Burger Candy…

    The blog, dedicated to all things candy, says: Haribo Build-A-Burger consists of three different gummi candies packaged together. One flavor is a top foamy bun with gummi lettuce, another a bottom foamy bun with gummi hamburger patty, and the third……

  4. 4
    Victoria says:

    I saw a “lunch bag” at a drugstore today. It was all gummi food–pizza, fries, hamburgers, and hotdogs. Everything was already assembled, but it still looked fun.

  5. 5
    mbyrgpa says:


    qgmeatyk zmfyxbja bcpmrbcqm kjnthsgdo …

  6. 6
    MÄ°NA says:

    çok güzel nerde satılıyor hmmmmm harika denemek isterim şuan elimde çilek haribo var tadı çok ama çok güzel!

  7. 7
    Trish says:

    There’s an Asian brand of gummy a lot like the Haribo one, but the Asian brand comes with the burger preassembled and individually wrapped in a plastic tray/tub thing.

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