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Chocolate-dipped Altoids Mints Announced

Categories: Candy,Candy News,Chocolate Candy,Mint Candy,New Candy

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Chocolate-dipepd Altoids tin

UPDATE: We got our hands on all three flavors – read the review!

A reader tipped me off today about this one (thanks, Enrique!) … Two days ago, on July 25, Wrigley’s issued a press release. Buried inside it with a lot of blather about profits, growth, and stock was an interesting announcement – chcolate-dipped Altoids by the end of the year:

“Next month, we will be unveiling exciting new creative behind our flagship Altoids brand; and by year end, as the clear leader in mints, Altoids will introduce the next great innovation to the category — chocolate-dipped mints — in time to make it an especially Happy New Year for our customers and consumers.” said Ralph Scozzafava, Vice President – Worldwide Commercial Operations.

Interesting. It never occurred to me, but why not? We have Junior Mints and York Peppermint Patties and have proven mint and chocolate go together. Why not put chocolate over “curiously strong” Altoids? According to the tin above, they are using dark chocolate – no word if milk chocolate will be available. My guess is that it won’t. Judging from the picture above, it looks like they will be packaged in tins as we all assumed they would be.

I searched all over the place and could find no further information online. We’ll keep you updated as this story develops. (I always wanted to say that.)

candy, sweets, altoids, mints, chocolate, chocolate altoids, new products, covered

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9 Responses to “Chocolate-dipped Altoids Mints Announced”

  1. 1
    col peppermint says:

    Altoids has actually put a set of chocolate-dipped mints (Peppermint, Cinnamon and Ginger) up on eBay in a charity auction. It ends in a couple days: Aug 14, 2006 09:25:43 PDT and bidding is already over $170!

    RESPONSE: Yeah – I knew about it a few days ago and just finished writing about it – post goes up tomorrow :)

  2. 2
    Steve Martin says:

    I just saw your Altoids dipped chocolate advertisement on t.v. I would never buy a product that used a nuclear mushroom cloud as an enticement. How is that an attraction?

  3. 3
    lizi says:

    I just did a search on chocolate altoids because I was astonished and disgusted by the recent tv advertisement making light of the mushroom cloud that KILLED so many people. Who the heck dreamt up this horrible ad and WHO OK’d it? What the hell is happening to our American culture? I don’t want my 3 children seeing that for chocolate inspiration. Absolutely irresponsible & inhumane.

  4. 4
    Robb says:

    Oh quit it with the reactionary whining. The mushroom cloud represents an unexpected punch of chocolate flavor. THE mushroom cloud that killed so many people? This animated mushroom cloud is actually a chocolate textured recreation of an above ground test from the 50′s.
    That representation would only be irresponsible and inhumane to children if you tell them which horrifying event it reminds YOU of. Otherwise, that representation is as innocuous as anything we can think of.
    What happened to our culture? No one can present an image of anything without someone else going off the deep end over it, that’s what’s wrong with our culture.
    Thanks for adding your intolerance to a growing culture of blame and intolerance.

  5. 5
    william says:

    I’m with you Robb. Iconography of nuclear explosions was commonplace in cartoons of the 1950′s, at a time when nuclear explosions in the US were a very real possibility. Why can’t we joke about these things now? Because people are so afraid of the real world, they are even becoming afraid of the pretend one.

  6. 6
    clint says:

    A mushroom cloud only represents one thing,(actually volcanoes have been known to produce mushroom clouds too). Whatever, this is not the place for candy coating, this is a place for learning. peace

  7. 7
    Troy says:

    The mushroom cloud was disgusting. There are millions of possible images that could be chosen to represent your product and if you choose to make light of hundreds of thousands of deaths and years of suffering that continue in the form of genetic mutations, you are an insensitive idiot. The mushroom cloud images of the 50′s cartoons to which you refer were only possible because Americans had no clue about the reality of nuclear destruction because that information was kept from them (I refer you particularly to a recent book by Robert Jay Lifton on the subject). Whoever even thought of that commerical is a clod.

  8. 8
    verna blair says:

    I’m so very dissappointed I can’t find dark chocolate dipped peppermint altoids anywhere. Please don’t tell me you aren’t going to make them anymore. They are the best, & I want to keep buying them;just can’t find them anymore. Please help.

  9. 9
    verna blair says:

    I can’t find dark chocolate dipped mint’s anymore they are the very best ,please don’t tell me you aren’t making them anymore.please help.

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