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Candy Review: Diablo Ice Energy Strips

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Candy with Caffeine,New Candy,Sugar-free Candy

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Diablo Ice Energy Strips

Admittedly, these aren’t actually candy, so I may not be the best judge of these. I’m just not an energy drink kind of guy. In fact, I don’t think I have ever bought an energy drink (wait, I might have had a Red Bull cocktail once – maybe). Diablo Ice Energy Strips are made by the same company that makes Diablo Energy Drinks (they sent me one of those too and I tried it – yuck – I guess you don’t drink energy drinks for the taste). The strips are said to have:

  • All Natural Flavour
  • Guarana (a natural source of caffeine)
  • Ginseng (sustains and promotes energy)
  • Cranberry Extract (antioxidant)
  • Vitamin C

They are also sugar free, fat free, calorie free and ephedrine free. They are supposed to provide a quick pick-me-up when needed. They suggest taking 1 or 2 (up to 18 in a day) so you can be “instantly energized” and they come in a small pack of 18 of the now-familiar strips that everyone is making nowadays.

They taste like medicine, or mouthwash. They are tingly and minty and make my mouth feel like it does after rinsing with mouthwash only not as extreme. They are red and since they say they have cranberry extract I expected them to taste like cranberry, but they don’t. So, did they “instantly energize” me? I’m not sure. They did make me slightly light-headed for about 15 minutes when I took two, one after another. Does light-headed = energized?

So, do these actually give you instant energy? I’m not sure. They definitely affected me, I’m just not sure if it was energy that it gave me. If I really needed a pick-me-up, I would probably just hit the Shock-a-lots (taste great) or Foosh Mints (lots of caffeine). The Diablo Ice Energy Strips do freshen your breath (as a side-effect), but the freshening only lasts a short time – they might be good for a quick breath freshening when needed in a pinch, but I would think (though I don’t know), that something Listerine PocketPaks Breath Strips or a mint might work better for your breath.

candy, sweets, energy, energy drink, energy drinks, guarana, ginseng, cranberry, cranberries, vitamin C, caffeine

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2 Responses to “Candy Review: Diablo Ice Energy Strips”

  1. 1
    SoftABS says:

    They are also sugar free, fat free, calorie free and ephedrine free?

  2. 2
    George P says:

    i tried these strips recently and didn’t taste that bad and give me a little energy but nothing spectacular. The drink is they have tastes absolutely horrible. I also tried tried another strip product called nrage energy strips. That product seem to give me a real nice jolt and definitely very minty which i like.

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