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Wonka Golden Ticket Contest – for real this time

Categories: Candy,Candy News,Chocolate Candy

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Much like in the movie, Willy Wonka is having a contest where you must purchase Wonka candy in a quest for a golden ticket. Instead of winning a factory full of Oompa Lompas however, you can win $25,000 “salary” and what may be an even cooler prize, the chance to design your very own Wonka candy bar which will be available for sale for a limited time only. 100 First Place runners-up will win a Wonka MP3 player, and 1,000,001 2nd place runners-up will win some free candy. Prize winners will be announced in early 2007.

The press release also mentions a summer event where Wonka will unveil his newest creations at Dylan’s Candy Bar in New York City. Hopefully I’ll be working in the city that day and can dash over on my lunch break to snap some pics, and get an early taste of the newest creations. No date is listed however, so you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled for that.

candy, sweets, chocolate, wonka, contest, news

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6 Responses to “Wonka Golden Ticket Contest – for real this time”

  1. 1
    Grandpa Joe says:

    This would be more exciting if the majority of Wonka candy (especially their chocolate) didn’t stink.

    RESPONSE: How can the chance to win $25K not be exciting (regardless of the candy)? :) Personally I like their non-chocolate much better. Nerds…..YUM!

  2. 2
    victoria says:

    this contest is so fun.and the candy is so good:):):):)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. 3
    paige says:

    hi my name is paige how do you be in the contest i love willy wonka candy expect nerds rope or regular nerds i do not like laffy taffy of fun dips

  4. 4
    iamhot says:

    this is funnyv

  5. 5
    Rick says:

    I left a golden ticket in a rental car, slc utah. Were the golden tickets just a chance to win, or were there only 5 given out like it states in wikipedia?

  6. 6
    katie says:

    halow can you send a mesig from the post and get me a golden ticket in the post

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