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Atomic Fireball Cinnamon Mead

Categories: Candy,Candy Beverages,Candy Recipes,Hard Candy

Atomic Fireballs

The link below takes you to a recipe for Atomic Fireball Cinnamon Mead. I thought mead was some sort of old-tyme beer/alcoholic drink, but just to make sure I looked it up at

mead n.
An alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey and water.

Ok, so I was right about that. The recipe makes some sort of alcoholic beverage using Atomic Fireballs but it sounds nasty to begin with since it uses “3/4 gallon Arizona green tea (spoiled!)”. What’s with the line “The Atomic Fireballs were hard to find, and expensive when I did find them.” Fireballs are cheap – maybe the person doing this is not in the U.S.?

If you’re interested, there are lots of other mead recipes at the site too.

UPDATE: as of 5/2007, looks like the site is down. Sorry :(

candy, sweets, beer, mead, brew, brewing, ferment, atomic, fireball, fireballs, cinnamon, recipe, recipes, beverage, beverages

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2 Responses to “Atomic Fireball Cinnamon Mead”

  1. 1
    Exploding Aardvark » CINNAMON says:

    [...] Atomic Fireball Cinnamon Mead (Just no.) [...]

  2. 2
    MIke Buss says:

    I am only looking for the Atomic Fireball Mead recpie.
    Thank you

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