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Candy Giveaway – Licorice!

Categories: Candy,Candy Addict Site News,Candy Giveaways,Licorice Candy

Licorice from American Licorice Company

The good folks at the American Licorice Company (makers of Red Vines) sent me an email the other day to remind me that April 12 is National Licorice Day and to offer to send me some licorice. Naturally, I said yes (who says no to free candy?), but since I tried all of their licorice already, I thought I’d pass them on to you, my loyal readers.

So, if you want some free licorice, do this: email me at or just leave a comment on this post (and leave a valid email address in case you win) and let me know why you should get free licorice. Profess your licorice love, tell me that you have never tried Red Vines, whatever you want. Make sure you put yourself on the Candy Addict map too.

I will pick the best one (or ones depending on how much licorice they send) and send you free licorice! Contest closes Sunday, April 9 at midnight so I can ship it so it arrives by the 12th. Winner(s) must send me a digital picture of themselves (or their friends/family/pet) enjoying the licorice I send them.

Fine print: Giveaway limited to U.S. addresses. (One of these days I will do a giveaway that includes non-U.S. readers.) I hate SPAM more than you do – email addresses will not be kept and/or spammed. Void where prohibited

UPDATE: Winners have been posted!

candy, sweets, licorice, free, freebie, freebies, giveaway

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11 Responses to “Candy Giveaway – Licorice!”

  1. 1
    Beck says:

    Ooh! Ooh! Me! Pick me! I just want your BLACK licorice… I love it SO MUCH! I am at least the fourth generation in my family (that I know of) who just can’t get enough black licorice. And my little boy loves it, too! Picture a precocious 2-year-old with black-tinged lips and a B-i-i-i-i-g smile. Doesn’t that just melt your heart?

    If that doesn’t work, I can tell you what happens to your…um…*ahem*…bowel movements…*ahem* when you eat practically a whole bag of black Twizzlers. How’s THAT for licorice love?

  2. 2
    Kirsten says:

    Be on the lookout for my e-mail, Brian!

    (I wasn’t sure if you meant entries had to include pictures of us enjoying licorice, or if we sent them of us enjoying the licorice YOU send… so I just sent you some anyway. ;P LOL I’m weird…)


    RESPONE: I meant enjoying the licorice I send :)

  3. 3
    WebPimp says:

    Brian, PLEASE POST whatever Kirsten sends!! or just hook a homey up with some licorice….

  4. 4
    Someone says:

    Licorice w/ Popcorn and Coca Cola mmmmmm. :-)
    DUDE! I so love me some RED licorice.. My brother knows how to pic out the ones that aren\’t stale at the Supermarket.. somehow he has adapted that technique. So yeah just thinking about the taste makes me droool.. and I am dying to have some. Oh yeah my birthday is 21st of April. Soooo if all I get is Licorice … I will be ever so happy. ;-)
    YUM YUmmmm!!!

  5. 5
    Grommie says:

    I won a previous giveaway contest so I’ll sit this one out. Besides, I’m full-up on licorice at the moment. ;)

    RESPONSE: That’s awfully kind of you, though I never said previous winners couldn’t enter :)

  6. 6
    Susan Lantz says:

    Please please please.

    See, my relationship with a couple of my friends is based around two main activities–rock climbing and eating licorice. We call ourselves Team Panda, after that fine brand, but we’re fickle and some free Red Vines could shift our allegiances. We just started rock climbing about a year ago, and it was maybe a little intimidating, but something we always wanted to do. In the beginning we would provide each other emotional support in the form of licorice.

    And just yesterday my friends both placed in a gym climbing competition! I am so proud of them and would love to be able to tell them that someone else heard about their victory and thought they deserved a treat.

    And if we won we would have the best photos to send–action shots of us eating the licorice while climbing!

  7. 7
    Jason says:

    OOOOHHHH!!!! Red Vines are my childhood. After every little league game, got a red vines superrope; every trip to the theater was accompanied by Red Vines. I’m desperately in love with those delicious bits of goodness!

  8. 8
    Lara says:

    one of my favorite songs – EVER – is Aimee Mann’s “Cigarettes and Red Vines” and that’s all I got, dude.
    cool blog, man.

  9. 9
    JC says:


  10. 10
    Ifrah Wheliye says:


  11. 11
    Lisanne says:

    My anti-spam word is “addict.” How ironic! :)

    I’m the *only* person in my family who *loves* black licorice. The red stuff is OK, but the black is where it’s at. I bought a package of black licorice Twizzlers the other day at Wal-Mart, came home, and ate pretty much every single piece. This morning, I discovered that it does quite a number on your poo. I’ve never seen that color before. :)

    I love it when my tongue turns black. I seriously hope that you pick me. I’m here at home alone this week with our two children (ages 3 and 17 months), and I could sure use a pick-me-up! Thanks so much for considering me!

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