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Jesus and Brangelina PEZ

Categories: Candy,Novelty Candy,PEZ Candy

Jesus PEZ Brad and Angelina PEZ

I had no idea there was a market for custom-made PEZ. You can actually find any number of custom-made PEZ all over the internet. Remember the Fallen Rapper PEZ? Above, you see three homemade PEZ that are currently for sale on ebay – Jesus, Brad, and Angelina.

No offense, but they don’t look anything like who they are supposed to be. Ok, Jesus looks close, but Brad and Angelina look butt-ugly. The creator (not God, the PEZ creator) says he takes “Sculpey” clay and puts it over a regular PEZ head to make it. I have not an artisitc bone in my body and I think I could do better. But what do I know? The auctions are at $11.50 and $12.49 curently.

candy, PEZ, jesus, brad, angelina, brangelina, rapper, ebay, auction, auctions

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3 Responses to “Jesus and Brangelina PEZ”

  1. 1
    Nessie says:

    Didn’t see them at the Pez Museum… But i hear the guy has many unofficial dispensers in the back room…

  2. 2
    Grommie says:

    How funny! I’m becoming a bit of an addict for Jesus+food related items to be found on Ebay. Wish I had seen this sooner.

    P.S. I’m the winner of your November candy contest and the mints are great!

    RESPONSE: Glad to hear you like the mints!

  3. 3
    Daryl Wilber says:

    Dear Candy Addict,

    My name is Daryl Wilber. I am a member of St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Dublin, Ohio. I am in my third year (out of four)of a Bible Study group. Tonight we were discussing our Communion that we have at every Sunday service. We got to laughing about the possibility of having a Jesus pez. I Googled this and came to your web site. Seeing the picture about made me type this inquiry to you asking if you are selling these or do you have knowledge of where I might be able to purchase them? I have looked in E-Bay but there was nothing available. Can you help me?

    Thank you,

    Daryl Wilber

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