Depsite all of the Valentine’s-related posts I have made in the weeks leading up to today, I still feel I need to post something related to Valentine’s Day so here it is: How Much Is Inside Conversation Hearts? On this page, they count, measure, sort, and grind Necco hearts and give us some real measurements with a side of humor. Be sure and look closely at the message tally on the right….and excuse their messy HTML.
We were going to grind up the bag of hearts with a coffee grinder to measure volume, but it started to smell like burning after a while. Instead, we mailed the powder we had to our favorite senators for Valentine’s Day. How romantic.
How Much Is Inside Conversation Hearts?
Other Valentine’s Day pages on Candy Addict
Also see: How Much is Inside Chewing Gum?
Nice blog!
I found a blog post that might interest you:
RESPONSE: Yep, I saw that when it was posted. I read BB multiple times a day :) It is more ice cream than candy so I didn’t mention it.
February 14th, 2006 at 8:25 pm–Brian