I went to the World market today and my wife convinced me to pick up some Haribo Gummi Cola Bottles. I haven’t had them in ages and I forgot how good they are. That got me thinking about cola/soda flavored candies. I LOVE the cola and root beer flavored Bottlecaps. I recently tried Cola Shigeki and they were pretty good. I haven’t ever had a cola-flavored candy I didn’t like. Why don’t more companies make cola flavored candy? Am I in a small minority of people that likes the flavor?
Let’s see if we can list all the cola-flavored candies from the past and present….
- Haribo Happy-Cola Gummi Candy (just bought some today – YUM!)
- Wonka Bottlecaps (root beer too)
- Super Cola Shigeki
- Cola-flavored PEZ
- Root Beer Barrels
- Chupa Chups has a cola flavor and a cola-lemon flavor
- Jyu-C Cola Candy (from Japan)
- Wata Gum – Cola and Orange (from Japan)
- Dr. Pepper Gum (discontinued)
- Bubblicious Cherry Cola flavor (discontinued)
- >Reed’s Candy Rolls (Root Beer) – discontinued?
- Peerless Root Beer Floats
- Mike & Ike Root Beer Float (thanks, Andrea!) – discontinued?
- Mike & Ike Cherry Cola – discontinued?
- A&W Root Beer and Dr. Pepper flavored Jelly Belly jellybeans
- Jiwa Jiwa Cola Candy – Fizzling Cola Candy from Japan
- Bubble Ball – Cola Flavor (Japanese)
- Aidin Cola Candy
- Root Beer Sanded Candy
- Haribo Fizzy Cola
- >Cola and Vanilla Wata Gum
- Meisan “Awa Awa” Cola & Ramune Candy
- Cola 6-pack
- Cherry Cola candy sticks
- Root Beer candy sticks
- Cola Cubes
- Hubba Bubba Cool Cola and Vanilla Cola (Australia?)
- Bubbaloo Cola Bubble Gum (U.K.?)
- Root Beer Float Ring Pops
- McCowan’s Cola Bar
- Lime Cola Frooties – discontinued?
- Fear Factor Cola-flavored Cockroach Bites
- Shuwa Puccho Gummy Stick (Cola)
- Marukawa Black Tongue Gum
- Cola (and Cherry) Twizzlers
- Haribo Gummi Rootbeer Barrels
- Puchi Cola Bubblegum
- Ribon Ame Bow Lollipop (Cola)
- Super Cola Candy
- Coris – Fusen Master Cola (Bubble Master)
- Cherry Cola Taffy
- Lion Cola Candy Balls
- Dr. Pepper Rush Rox Candy – discontinued?
- Pure Fun Root Beer Cotton Candy
- Cola Jolly Ranchers
- Cherry Cola Soda Jolly Ranchers
- Cola Nerds
- Cola Chewits
- Cola Balls
- Morinaga Bottle Ramune Candy — Cola Flavour
- Gummy Cola Tigers
- Hi-Chew Kids – Cola Flavor
- Japanese Lucky Gum Traditional Omikuji COLA
- Bubble Ball Bubblegum Hard Candy — Cola
- Excel Fizzy Cola Candy
- Excel Cola Chews
- Excel Cola Gum
- Playgum Cola Bubble Gum
What did I miss? I’ll update this list as people add comments with more ideas.
umm Mike & Ike Root Beer Floats
December 21st, 2005 at 11:39 pmI’m a big fan of Root Beer/Sassafras/Sarsaparilla but not so much with the cola flavored stuff. (I did just review the Shigekix Super Cola.)
I saw an interesting post over the summer on http://www.blogging.la by one of the German visitors about Peanut and Root Beer being almost exclusively American flavors.
But don’t even get near me with Dr. Pepper/Mr. Pibb flavored stuff … ew.
Good list, you’ve covered all the stuff I could think of.
RESPONSE: Yeah – I saw your review of the Cola Shigeki – I have some I am going to review soon – I’ll throw a link to your review in there. :)
December 22nd, 2005 at 2:17 pm–Brian
I live in Germany. There is a super market called LIDL – there you got \”noname\” Cola Gummi Bottles to a good price and my son like it very much!
Greetings from Berlin :-)
RESPONSE: Berlin? Very cool! Nice email address, BTW. I work on Mailinator and I created the spam map.
December 23rd, 2005 at 1:20 am–Brian
How could you forget the ubiquitous Root Beer Barrel hard candies?
RESPONSE: I didn’t forget them – they are in the middle of the list! :)
December 26th, 2005 at 1:12 pm–Brian
Brian, many online candy stores specializing in british “sweets” (that’s what they call candy across the pond) sell orange-colored cola flavored cubes and orange-colored cola flavored “pips” (small seed-shaped candy pieces)
January 18th, 2006 at 12:45 amhopelessly addicted to hard cola candy, Love this site, My addiction started and ended with the “Cola Rancher”
Yes jolly rancher used to make a cola rancher along with alot of other great exotic flavors. I used to buy the
cola ranchers by the box at the pharmacy where I worked as a teenager. If you’ve never experienced the cola
rancher then you missed out on the best cola confection ever produced on the planet. I have contacted “leaf”
corporation several times and begged them to bring it back into production, the lady I spoke with in customer
service said I might have a shot If I could get say 500 people to sign a petition to bring it back. I dont know If
I could find 500 people but maybe this sight could help. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has
tasted a cola rancher or knows of a good facsimilie. I have tried the “british sweets, cola cubes mentioned here,
not bad but very lacking in strong cola flavor. The “super cola” is good after you wash off all that nasty sour stuff
but still lacks some punch. If your a soda pop fan I would highly recommend “afri-cola” its a german made soda
with an excellent strong cola taste, also “Cane-cola” made in the U.S. , great cola taste with kind of a brown sugar
after taste, very good. My search continues.
thanks Joel
February 14th, 2006 at 8:42 pmYou know I love gummy colas but when it comes to other cola-flavored candys I can’t buy it. Like there’s still Dr. Pepper flavored gum and Jelly Bellys out there (wasn’t there a Mountain Dew gum as well?). There’s a bunch of different gummy colas as well. I always like the ones with the long “bottle” shape but *didn’t* have “cola” written down the side. I don’t even know what brand that is but I totally remember that kind. I’ve even seen sour gummy colas now.
February 15th, 2006 at 8:20 amHave you ever heard of “coke balls?” My son says a friend got them from a candy store in Canada. They are hard silver balls with a cola candy inside.
Ever hear of this?
April 30th, 2006 at 7:43 pm–Brian
Sign me up for the Cola Jolly Ranchers. They were the best and “back then” I paid 2 cents a piece. I would pay just about anything for one now!
RESPONSE: I have never heard of them! They sound good!
June 21st, 2006 at 1:07 pm–Brian
i actually live in new jersey and have had coke balls before. They were all the rage when i was in third grade. We got them in big bags. they were very hard. please find more info on them, they were delicious.
July 2nd, 2006 at 7:23 pmi’m not sure whether or not…actually maybe i might be an addict to the Haribo (Tangfastics Sour Mix) The Cola bottles and the combo gum and marshmallow crocodiles mmmmm and once i open a packet i can’t help but finish it… and i try and say no to myself but my tongue begs for that sour taste and i try so hard, but it always gets the best of me. i try and not look at the packet when i go shopping, that doesn’t help because i basically walk out the of the shop with enough dosage to keep me happy… and i try so hard, very hard… i can stand here today and say that i might be an addict to haribo’s tangfantastic sour mix… and enough is never enough, these UK sweets win hands down. :-) chew…chew…chew.
August 3rd, 2006 at 7:39 amcoke balls!!! i love those… they are the greatest thing since sliced bread…
i dont know if you can only get them in canada now, but the store they are sold in is called sugar mountain. :)
RESPONSE: I need to find some – I have never tried them. :(
August 12th, 2006 at 8:27 am–Brian
wax museum in victoria has them
August 16th, 2006 at 2:52 amOkay. I LOVE Cola Gummies so I have been searching for the best price online. In the process I ran across the following items on ebay: Item # 4450305053 (sour Cola Heart gummies), 4450306340 (sour pink bottle gummies), 170004156571 (Haribo Sour Lime Cola Bottle gummi), 170004155298 (Haribo Sour Cream Soda Bottle gummi), 170004033533 (Gummi Cola Fried Eggs), 170004152180 (cola string gummi candy), 4448894235 (cola sour stick gummi… looks more like cola sour string). Any idea where I can get these besides Ebay?
There are also Gummy Cola Tigers, but I can find those at my local candy shop… they just weren\’t mentioned here.
As far as a petition goes (Talking to Joe the Cola Rancher guy), I think you can start an online one pretty easy…. I think.
RESPONSE: I did some searching and can\’t seem to find those on ebay anywhere.
I just added the Gummy Cola Tigers! Thanks!
Yep – online petitions are easy to create. I created one here.
August 22nd, 2006 at 5:43 pm–Brian
I am looking to buy root beer flavored flossine so that I can mix it with sugar and make root beer flavored cotton candy. Can you help me?
September 7th, 2006 at 9:31 amIf anyone knows where to get those coke ball things let me know because my girlfriend used to love them and I want to get her them.
December 2nd, 2006 at 1:21 amI just bought some Coke Balls today. I love the silver colour and you can suck em down and then bite them, I love them. I live in small town Alberta Canada and I bought them at the local Nutter’s (a natural/bulk foods type store). I am not sure how you could order them though.
December 13th, 2006 at 10:52 pmOops, the are Cola Balls not Coke Balls, sorry.
December 13th, 2006 at 10:55 pmThere’s this Cola candy made by Orion that you can buy in Taiwan (and probably Japan and China). It’s called Mini Cola and it comes in this plastic cylinder with a wrapper made to look like a coke candy. the container is about the size of a roll of film. you open it from the top like a can of soda and it’s filled with tiny cola candies- kind of like mints but cola flavored. It actually kind of cute.
January 18th, 2007 at 4:20 amOops. I meant “coke can”.
Oh yeah, there’s also this coke bubblegum I saw in the same convenience store that I haven’t bought yet.
January 18th, 2007 at 4:23 amAre these the Cola balls you’re talking about? I’ve never seen/had them before myself. http://www.banffcandy.com/Candies5.html (fifth item down, click on picture to enlarge).
January 19th, 2007 at 2:31 amHARRY & DAVID have some new gummies including a VARIETY PACK COLA BOTTLES gummies, and (this one is odd) Monkey & Banana Gummies (Monkeys are cola flavored and the Banana’s taste like a Banana Scratch-n-Sniff sticker smells.)
January 19th, 2007 at 4:47 pmthe bubblegum is PlayGum brand…
January 20th, 2007 at 1:49 amLove this sight . Makes me feel sane again when I see other people you never got over the flavor of cola.
February 5th, 2007 at 3:08 amI have tried almost every cola confection on the above list and some were ok but non-compared to the cola rancher.I once orderd a sample of cola candy from a place in thailand in a red and silver wrapper,
cant remember what it was called but had more of a carmel than cola taste. Ive always wanted to try the
“aiden product ” but couldnt find a way to place an order for it. Anyone ever have some? what was it like?
The very best product I ever found was a german made hard cola candy by a company called “Kalfany”
It comes in a round tin and runs about 8.00 per tin with the foreign shipping add another 5.00. Expensive
yes but it has a very nice smooth texture and a true cola flavor similar to the cola jolly rancher.Ive also heard about a hard cola candy that comes in a sea shell, also made in the U.K., can anyone give a review on those? thanks, addition revalidated, Joel
coke balls are the greatest thing ever made….you can get them up at whistler in canada
February 17th, 2007 at 3:48 amtrish, yes those are the cola balls i was talking about… they are the greatest…
February 25th, 2007 at 1:49 pm[...] Candy Addict » Cola Flavored CandyWe also had an assortment of British sweets and chocolates, and British tea, which we handed out to people attending the Environmental Fair. … [...]
March 11th, 2007 at 12:17 amI orderd some of the “Cola balls” mentioned here. Some how the company in canada sent me a bag of ball bearings
March 16th, 2007 at 4:09 pmbuy mistake. These things dont taste much like cola. More like rock candy. Rather disappointing. cant say Id recommend
them to anyone looking for true cola flavor. I would like to start a petition to the “leaf” “jolly rancher” corp, but am not that computer savey. Maybe Brian could start one as a link from this site?????? Im still hoping someone will review on
the sea shell cola candy. Jolly Rancher did a ltd production run of ‘cherry cola” for a special promotion of soda flavors.
The cherry cola was excellent but you got 10 or 15 per bag of 100. This is just further proof that they could do a small
run of “COLA” !!!!! Id gladley purchase a couple cases pre-paid right now. And while their at it they could make a batch of “butter rum” another of the original flavors that was outstanding, as well as “peach” which was available until
2000. Ive got a few more obscure candies that totally rocked, that most people have never seem to have never heard of. ever try an “apricot brandy” hard confection that was available in the 90′s . they also made a “pina colda” flavor and
a “black berry brandy” flavor. I have no idea what company made them but they were like nothing Id had before or since. Very smooth with just a hint of liquoir. If anyone remembers these or know who made them I would sure like to know.
Does anybody remeber “COCA COLA NOW AND LATERS” they were great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 29th, 2007 at 10:34 pmI remember the “now and later” cola flavor. Not bad but as I remember they had a slightly bitter after taste. Ive just found a new “Cola Candy” product last weekend thats worth trying. Its comes in a mini coke bottle and has small
May 3rd, 2007 at 2:10 pmcola bottle shapped candies. Very good true cola taste. Contact me for further info. armedwithuzi@hotmail.com
Hey Joel … did you buy the coke candy from the site listed on this page?? and if so how long did it take them to send it to you?
June 3rd, 2007 at 9:42 pmI just tried the cola candy that Joel spoke about and I loved it so much I went back and bought the other 11 containers/bottles that they had. It’s made by Candirific out of Louisville, Ky. I love cola flavored candy but I can’t find anything in my area(with the exception of the new found cola candy above). Is Mr. Bulky still in business?
June 20th, 2007 at 8:38 pmNews Report
Hi this Marge reporting on candy:
September 1st, 2007 at 1:25 amCola Candy. It is the best idea made for candy. Who does not like candy and who does not like soda or cola? Every one likes this idea and it is delicious. Since every one likes both, it is good. I know this because I like soda and it is very good!
(to be continued)
I buy Haribo “Happy-Cola” candy from Amazon. You get a 5 lb bag for $14 and if you buy two bags, shipping is free. Has anyone else tasted their fizzy tart cola flavor? I forget the exact wording but it’s really good. Not available though in big bags at Amazon.
December 17th, 2007 at 9:51 pmAnyone that wants the silver cola balls, the are called rola cola balls. I found them on the internet here is the link:
I just received them and my children are so happy. There are 2 sizes. 1/4 inch (which is really 1/8 inch) and 1/2 inch which is really 1/4 inch. Next order I will order the 1/2 inch which isd the of a normal jawbreaker.
January 15th, 2008 at 10:08 pmI am actually eating coke balls right now.
I live in BC, and you can get them in candy stores in Vancouver, and Big White Ski Resort.
They are actually the best candies ever.
January 22nd, 2008 at 10:31 pmI use to purchase the “Rola cola balls” at a near by candy store in our mall untill they closed down. It has been close to 9 years now since I last had them. Does anyone know what happened or where I can purchase them again?
February 1st, 2008 at 11:38 pmI found cola flavored Air Heads in NY at Oh! Nuts!(http://www.ohnuts.com) The label is in hebrew! Can’t find it on the website…will have to call and order more by phone!
February 8th, 2008 at 12:19 amhey angie i hope u see this but where in vancouver i haven’t had coke balls for like 10 years. If you or any1 else knows where in vancouver u gotta let me know through my email imrazk@yahoo.com
March 23rd, 2008 at 3:36 amUr not alone! I LOVE soda flavoured candies…..im so bad i even love soda flavoured lip glosses (I’m female). btw did u know u can get ‘fizzy’ cola bottles online @ amazon now? in bulk even…..:P
March 26th, 2008 at 3:27 amI just discovered Haribo Happy cola bottles at London Drugs in Calgary Alberta 175 gram bag for $1.79.
They also carry the Haribo Gummy bears.
April 2nd, 2008 at 6:00 pmHas anyone got a recipe for making your own? I’ve scoured the net with no luck.
April 8th, 2008 at 2:45 pmWhat about Soda-licious! The rootbeer flavoured ones were the best!
May 30th, 2008 at 9:13 pmwhat about cola flavored big league chew. I loved that stuff as a kid and have been looking for it for awhile. Thanks
July 12th, 2008 at 9:58 pmWow, I didn’t know there were so many yummy gummi in existence ! Gummi in Holland is dominated by Haribo n Katja. The latter is not chewy n has a dull taste.
Haribo started with packs of 189 grams but since last year, they have increased it to 300 grams. I eat 2 packs a day ! much to my spouse’s chagrin. I’m trying desperately to stop if anyone has an advice ? I was never into sweets until I stopped working 6 yrs ago n has gained 24 lbs :( I would also like to know ifthere r othe bad side effects with my compulsive gummi addiction ?
July 17th, 2008 at 8:57 amHow about Cola Up…?
August 23rd, 2008 at 10:25 pmtoday i had a party about spain and my teach brought this candy called fissy cola it was delicious
October 23rd, 2008 at 7:11 pmi do not recall the name but i do remember my grandparents bringing a cola flavored hard candy with a fizzy powder inside, if any 1 knows of this candy it would be incredibly helpful if you could supply the name and/or maker! thnx in advanced
October 24th, 2008 at 5:00 pmdoes anyone know of any mountain dew flavores lollipops my boyfriend is obsessed with the drink and I want to suprise him with something!
November 3rd, 2008 at 6:39 pmI thought I was the only one too, whenever I happen to get bottle caps I ask my friends if they want any they say “sure, but none of the brown ones, they are NASSSSSTTTYY” and I say “good, more for me, they are my favorite!” I just give them the orange ones (YUCK!)
November 21st, 2008 at 8:28 pmDoes anyone know where you can get FIZZY KOLA. The hard candy with a fizzy center. If you do know about it put a website up for it or put some bags on ebay thanks.
December 13th, 2008 at 4:13 pmSodalicious fruit snacks
September 12th, 2009 at 2:50 pmThey actually did cola flavoured smarties in the UK back in 2001 or so.
They tasted absolutely vile
September 13th, 2009 at 6:03 pmhttp://www.freewebs.com/crispy_liz/A23.jpg
September 18th, 2011 at 1:31 amHi ,can anyone tell me if they can still get cola flavoured boiled sweets in individual wrappers.We used to buy them in bulk in Narooma NSW Australia.Id bbuy a truck load if I could.
December 17th, 2011 at 6:30 amJoel did you ever get that petition going? I loved the cola jolly ranchers. I was only 7 or 8 years old and I knew I was addicted to them. There was only one 5&10 cent store I knew that sold them. It was one block from my elementay school and I would leave school at recess time and sneak to the store to spend all my money, 25 cents, to buy as many as I could. I loved them.
March 3rd, 2012 at 9:41 pmAnyone have a vague recollection on these cola candies that were shaped like cars? they came in, to the best of my memory, tiny white packaging and came in two kinds, “blue” and “red”? Been searching high and low for the buggers, any info lemme know.
May 12th, 2012 at 11:41 pm