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Godiva Pop Rocks Truffles

Categories: Candy,Chocolate Candy,Classic and Retro Candy,Gourmet Candy,Novelty Candy

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Pop Rocks

Jasmine over at the “Confessions of a Cardamom Addict” Blog briefly mentions Pop Rocks Truffles from Godiva in two recent posts here and here. I can’t find any other reference to them anywhere online and even Godiva’s Truffles page doesn’t mention them. Either Jasmine is making this up or it’s a well-kept secret. They sound good though. I need to email Jasmine and ask her about it. Has anyone else seen/tried these?

Anyway, she then goes on to experiment with Pop Rocks and she uses them in a cookie recipe she calls PopStar Cookies (the cookies are star-shaped).

I love Pop Rocks – I never thought about using them in recipes – what other recipes would Pop Rocks be good in? I always thought putting them on ice cream would be good but I have never actually tried it.

UPDATE: Jasmine emailed me…..

Nope, not making them up and not suffering from any culinary delusions.

The Godiva in question was the one on Bloor Street in Toronto. They had a sample plate of the bonbons out and, get this, they weren’t for sale in the “pick and choose” case. IIRC, they were part of a box of preselected candies, and I think you only got *one* in the selection…quite unfair…I’m sorry, but I don’t recall what *that* particular collection was called. I don’t think it’s part of Platinum, but I could be wrong.

The truffles they had out had a berry centre, into which the candies were mixed. I don’t recall any distinguishable lumps, so I can only assume the candy was ground to a certain extent. They were enrobed in an ivory couverature with raspberry-red stripes. Similar fizzy truffles were also available in either milk or dark couverature (can’t remember) with orange stripes. I didn’t try the chocolate ones, so I don’t know if they too were berry-flavoured, but The Fussy Eater had one. I just asked him if it was raspberry-flavoured or something different–he doesn’t really remember but he thinks it could have been orange (which would make sense with the colours used).

Now…*I* call them Pop Rock truffles (because of the fizziness)…I’m sure if you ask the chocolatiers they’ll have some swanky name for it…but all of us in the store agreed they were Pop Rocks. I quickly looked at Godiva’s site when I originally posted, but couldn’t find them….

I’ll send a note to a couple of friends who live/work in the area and see if they can either head over *or* call in for the candy’s real name and let you know.

More to come…


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10 Responses to “Godiva Pop Rocks Truffles”

  1. 1
    cybele says:

    There was a candy bar a few years ago called Xploder, made by Wonka (Nestle).

    I never got to try it, but I hear that it was a pretty cool combo. Think of a Nestle Crunch bar with exploding, flavorful rice crispies.

    RESPONSE: Yeah – I read about that candy a while back – I actually have that on my ever-growing TOPOST list :)
    –The Candy Kid

  2. 2
    Lys says:

    Do these fit the bill? They call it ‘effervescent’.

    RESPONSE: I bet that’s them. Effervescent. Jasmine said they weren’t REALLY Pop Rocks, just that they reminded her of them. Good find!
    –The Candy Kid

  3. 3
    bobby says:

    what are the chemical reactions in pop rocks the candy? What are some equations like maybe 5 of them that are balanced equations? Can you answer me back

    RESPONSE:Balanced equations? Chemistry….head feeling woozy. Must get candy….. :) That sounds suspiciously like a homework question. You need to do your own homework, Bobby! :)

  4. 4
    becca says:

    yes i need help with that too…. i’ve been searching the web for hours with no success regarding the chemical equations that occur when Pop Rocks are put in soda. is it just a physical change or is there a chemical change involved as well?

    RESPONSE: Take a look at this.

  5. 5
    Christy Davenport says:

    Hi. These are called pop chocolate truffles and were offered widely in the US last year in Godiva stores. I bought them in the Portland, OR store and you could pick and choose them. There was a cranberry-orange flavor and a peppermint. They were outstanding but it is my understanging that they will not be selling them this Christmas 2006. Bummer!

  6. 6
    NoNo says:

    Godiva did carry some chocolates called Pop Chocolates last winter 2005, I know because I ordered three boxes after my classmate who worked at the Godiva counter at Macy’s Herald Square raved about them. They were fabulous!

    I was looking for them this season, but apparently they are not available.

  7. 7
    Ann says:

    I recommend making your own, it’s fun! You can purchase candy molds at your local craft store. Melt some chocolate, pour it halfway in the mold, pour some pop rocks, and then top with some more chocolate. It’s not exactly the same, but very fun to make and yummy!

  8. 8
    pearls says:

    To becca:
    Although I think this is probably way too late for your assignment, I’m pretty sure that the reaction when pop rocks are put in soda is chemical. When the candy is placed in soda, gas forms, and the formation of gas is one of the properties of a chemical reaction.

  9. 9
    thates says:

    The gas is being released, not forming.

  10. 10
    yellow belly says:

    watermelon pop rocks are goooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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