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Hershey’s Cherry Kiss Petition

Categories: Candy,Chocolate Candy,New Candy

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Hershey's Cherry Kiss

For all of you Candy Addicts out there that love the new Hershey’s Cherry Cordial Kisses like I do, I have created an online petiton asking Hershey’s to keep them coming year-round. If you want to see that happen, go sign the petition now! Let’s see how many signatures we can get!

UPDATE: As of April 25, 2007 there are 2940 signatures – keep them coming!

Buy Hershey’s Cordial Kisses online:

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122 Responses to “Hershey’s Cherry Kiss Petition”

  1. 1
    Stacey Yanosky says:

    Please keep the chocolate covered hershey kisses all year round! I first seen them on a shelf in the store and wanted them real bad. But to my surprise, the box on the shelf was emptied. I have yet to even be able to buy these candies. They are already a great hit!

  2. 2
    Anna Cherwak says:

    You gotta keep these kisses around ALL year, they ARE wonderful. The best kisses I’ve ever had, besides the originals. I LOVE THEM,KEEP”EM AROUND!

  3. 3
    Pam Rainey says:

    I love, love, love the new Cherry Kisses! I definitely want to buy them year round. These are much better than the old chocolate covered cherry cordial. Pleeeze keep making them Hershey’s!

  4. 4
    NORMA MARKLE says:


    RESPONSE: Norma, we don’t sell candy here at Candy Addict. We just talk about candy. You’ll have to find the candy yourself. :) If you look through the comments in the other post, there are lots of places listed.

    Good luck!
    –The Candy Kid

  5. 5
    Martina says:

    I was Christmas shopping at Target in Knoxville last week and my sis in-law bought cherry kisses and I ate some they are really good.I live 1 1/2 hours from there but I knew someone going through there so I ask them to stop and buy me some but there are no more.I live on the TN/KY border so I shop in Middlesboro,KY. I haven’t seen them anywhere around here.It would be nice to be able to get them.People might get tired of them year round but you should make PLENY available for the holidays.Valentine’s Day would be a good time also. Thanks !

  6. 6
    Amy says:

    I want more CHERRY KISSES!

  7. 7
    Cathy Chancellor says:


    I bought several bags of the cherry kisses and gave them to my friends and family as they were soooo good. Now, everyone wants me to bring them some when we go home for Christmas. I live in Asheville, NC and can’t find anymore. If anyone knows where they can be purchased, please advise! Please bring them back! They are a great hit! and I’m not a big candy eater.

    Cathy Chancellor

    RESPONSE: Take a look at our other post about them – a bunch of people have posted where htey have found them. Maybe you will have some luck at those places.
    –The Candy Kid

  8. 8
    Suzy Crickard says:

    Keep the cherry kisses coming!

  9. 9
    Holly says:

    Hershey’s please give me my cherry cordial fix all year long….
    I had just one of them and have been dying to find moe, but to no avail as all of the store shelves are empty. Please ship more (directly to my house if possible!)

  10. 10
    Roxanne says:

    Ok, these things are like crack in candy form!!! Can’t get enough of them. I have had everyone trying them and getting them instantly hooked. Please keep them on the shelf all year round!!

  11. 11
    Kris says:

    I tried these incredibly wonderful confections at a friends Christmas party and fell instantly head-over-heals into addiction! The only problem… I CAN’T FIND THEM ANYWHERE IN SAN DIEGO!!! I’m crushed! I’m forced into buying them on ebay… knowing I’m paying 3-4x the retail price PLUS shipping is a huge statement in my world! PLEASE make these available during the year!!!!

  12. 12
    Lana Wingerter says:

    I live in Fl. and my daughter found the cherry kisses for Thanksgiving at her local Walmart. We wanted more of course but they were gone!! We went to th Sam’s by her house and the had like 3lb. bags we said we’d wait and by them later well they are gone!! Now noone has them anymore and we are very sad about this. Help!!

  13. 13
    Leslie says:

    I found these at a specialty shop and paid nearly $3 for 12 pieces, I have looked all over my town but can’t find them anywhere. Gosh I wish they were more widely available.

  14. 14
    natasha stultz says:

    please keep them around..i cant find them around here either and im in tennessee

  15. 15
    Janie Powers says:

    Can’t find them anywhere. Just fell in love
    with them. Keep them coming year around!

  16. 16
    Marianne Cloudas says:

    We in Connecticut are among the blested. While visiting in Stamford, I had my first taste Thanksgiving. Hooked…I serched my turf, the east end of the state. Luckly CVS got the first shipment in in time for Christmas. We need to keep these kisses year round.. mixed in our candy dish with those delious purple dark chocolate ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. 17
    Lori P says:

    I was only able to find them once here in NE and I have been looking for them ever since. I saw that people are actually selling them on Ebay–for all you hard core addicts! I think they should make them with dark chocolate but I will take them however I can.

  18. 18
    Linda H says:

    I was lucky to find these kisses at Kmart. But when I went back to get more they were sold out. Can’t find them anywhere. Please keep these kisses available throughout the year. Thanks!!

  19. 19
    SKaren P-O says:

    I went to my step daughter’s wedding and as part of the favors at her reception she had Hershey Cherry Cordials on each of the tables. Since that time I’ve looked high & low for these wonderful little morsels and they are no where to be had. I sincerely hope Hershey will reconsider keeping them out there for consumers – they are a real treat! I’m certain if they were to read comments like this they would realize sales on Cherry Cordials would make sales numbers skyrocket. They would not be able to keep up with the demand.

  20. 20
    Tonya T says:

    I like totally love these cherry cordials i found them once and never find them again i am still looking for them all i see is the peanut butter of course because nobody wants the peanut butter they are like everything else out there. we need more cherry cordials because they are something different. i mean i know we have chocalate covered cherries but i don’t like the skin on the cherry so i much reather have th e hershey’s kisses. so please keep them out they are awesome.

  21. 21
    April G says:

    please keep the cherry cordial out they are sooooooooooooooooo good

  22. 22
    Kathie S says:

    This is the message that I submitted to the Hersheys Company – My entire family has gone crazy over the new cherry cordial crème kisses. We have even made the local grocery store manager go through his inventory for the last box of these candies.

    All of the stores in the Oklahoma City metro area have sold out. The peanut butter, milk chocolate and mint candies are all available but the cherry cordial crème are gone.

    Please tell me that this great little candy will be removed from the limited edition list and moved to the standard list.

    We just don’t think we can go back to the plain kisses. Family and friends are talking about ways to wean themselves off of these delicious cherry treats.

    Recent Update: My sister and I found 2 lb bags at Sam’s. The freezer is now loaded. Hopefully we can make it until Hershey’s removes them from the limited edition list.

    By the way, we have not seen the dulce de leche in the Oklahoma City area.

    Please, please make the cherry cordial crème kisses available year round.

  23. 23
    renee lang says:

    love them, cant find them anywhere in superior wisconsin….must find them promised for a birthday party…………………

  24. 24
    Russell Arthur says:

    Loved the new Cherry Cordial Kisses, but can’t find them anywhere!

  25. 25
    Dave says:

    The Cherry kisses are great. I bought my huge bag at BJ’s Wholesale Club. They no longer have the cherry kisses, but I just bought a warehouse-sized bag of Kisses filled with Peanut butter. Mmm.. these are delicious too!

  26. 26
    Star says:

    Wonderful!!! I just love the Hershey Cherry Cordial Kisses!! Please make them available all year round. I can no longer find them local (Georgia )so I am trying to search the internet for them!
    Thanks so much!!

  27. 27
    doris stark says:

    My husband tasted the Hershey Cherry Kisses at a family Christmas dinner and loved them. I am unable to find them locally (Missouri). Please make them widely available year round. Thank you.

  28. 28
    Roberta Musick says:

    The cherry kisses are wonderful. I tasted them at my mother-in-law’s and have searched for them. I am hoping Hershey’s will at least bring them out for Valentines! All year would be better.

  29. 29
    Cheryl Lagrave says:

    The Cherry Cordial are the best Hershey Kisses you have ever made!! Please do not discontinue them. I have looked and looked for them in my area (Phoenix). Unfortunately there are none to be found. The stores have racks full of the other flavors, but not a single bag of the Cherry Cordial. That has to tell you something!

  30. 30
    Lynn Asbury says:

    These are the best thing going for Hershey’s and they sold out as fast as they hit the shelves. I was lucky enough to snag a bag of them but by the time I decided to get another they were gone! These would be great for a treat any time of the year!

  31. 31
    Nannette Schindler says:

    If Hersheys is as consumer friendly as they purport themselves to be, then they will listen to those of us who are telling them that this is one of their best products to date!!! They certainly need to reconsider their plan to not manufacture this on a regular basis.


  32. 32
    Angela Champagne says:

    My husband had the cherry kisses at a christmas party and said how good they are, I have lookes all over Ocala, Florida and still haven’t found them.
    Please keep them on a regulas basis.

  33. 33
    Nancy Harber says:

    I have been told by my sister how good the cordial are……I have searched everywhere here In Alabama. Please make them again and please see to it Alabama gets to sample them too. I was blessed at christmas to receive two chocolate towers deluxe…omg soooo good! Thank You, Nancy

  34. 34
    Cathi says:

    Found this site – – hope it helps!

  35. 35
    Judy Geller says:

    I cannot believe that Hershey’s would be so cruel as to tease us with these delicious cordial cherry kisses and then whisk them off the shelves whilst we wildly rush from store to store in search of this new treat. Please retool your candy-making machines and work overtime to produce what the public is craving. Thank you!

  36. 36
    Heidie says:

    I had them in Louisiana flew to my home in Seattle and never saw them again. A sad homecoming ensued. Nobody could meet me at the gate and no Cordial kisses to be seen. If not keeping them a staple in the Hershey candy collection, please see to it that the cordial cherry kisses make it up to the Northwest next year. Thanks!

  37. 37
    kerry says:

    they are heavenly

  38. 38
    LK says:

    They are awesome! A smart business move would be to please the public and keep them around ALL the time!

  39. 39
    Sandy Bontempo says:

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep the candies-there wonderful-would like them all year
    Thank you,


  40. 40
    Sarah Duc says:

    Dear Hershey Pennsylvania,

    My name is Sarah Duc of Navarre Florida. My mom and I tried a bag of these absolute wonderfully scrumpscious cherry kisses while we were shopping for our candy for the christmas stockings, and we only bought one bag because we didn’t know how they tasted, and that was our mistake because when we found out how awesome they were we went back to get more and they were sold out and they told us they might not be getting more in, so please sell them regularly to consumers so I can buy lots more. thank you so much, Sarah

  41. 41
    Robert Gliszczynski says:

    We wish to have cordial cherries year round they are terriffic.

  42. 42
    Lou Ann Lemke says:

    These kisses are the BEST!!! Please keep them all year long. Why give up a good seller. No problem finding the peanut butter kisses that came out this holiday season but the not cherries! Should tell you something right there!! I bet the sales on these were excellent. Hershey, you make um’, I’ll buy um’.

  43. 43
    Debra Picone says:

    I would give up cello’s forever if these kisses were made availabe all year round. Hershey, you have a terrific product here and should capitalize on it.

  44. 44
    Ivana says:

    bring back the cherry!!!

  45. 45
    Desiree says:

    They are the best Hershey kiss, I’m really enjoy white choc best but this is the best. Please keep them year round and I promise that I will buy at least 1 bag a week.

  46. 46
    Sherry says:

    I just love the cordial cherry kisses they are soo good that you can’t eat just one.
    I hope they will come available all year round.

  47. 47
    Rose Marie says:

    Hershey’s has a big hit with the Cherry Cordial Kisses. Hopefully they will continue to produce them. They would be agreat treat for Valentine’s Day!

  48. 48
    Delacey Woods says:

    Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, bring back the cherry cordial kisses they are so good it’s just horrible the way they were around just long enough to get everybody hooked and now they’re no where to be found!

  49. 49
    Marie James says:

    Loved the new Cherry Cordial Kisses, please keep them year round.

  50. 50
    Lindsay Lester says:

    Please bring back the kisses. I bought several bags and gave them as Christmas gifts. Now everyone I gave them to want them year round and I can’t find a single one!

  51. 51
    Donna Vasquez says:

    Please send kisses. My husband is crazy over these and now the whole family wants them. In desperate search to find them. I live in Texas. A Customer of my husbands’ Put some cherry kisses in with some other goodies and I’ve been looking for them ever since. We love these this should be a regular product.

  52. 52
    Donna Vasquez says:

    Hey I just found them at Sam’s. Better stock up.

  53. 53
    Angela says:

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Keep these in stock!!! My mother brought this over for Christmas and I LOVE THEM!!! I have other hooked on them and we have been to every store in 2 counties and NO ONE has them!!!!

  54. 54
    Linda says:

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE …. bring them back im addicted and they was gone from around here as fast as they came out 1 store got them here i cant find them anywhere even in the citys around here …so if anyone in Illinois post here and lives in the Peoria area let me know im on hte look out all the time

  55. 55
    Sandi says:

    I didn’t know there was such a thing out there till a gal I work with brought them to work after the hollidays. I am a candy freak and I can’t believe I missed them.Please bring them back all year around. They are the best.

  56. 56
    Sparkina says:

    These tasty drops of chocolate and cherry cream confectionery yumminess are a dessert delicacy of the highest order sure to appeal yo young and old and everyone in between. Great for Valentine’s — or any time. I think if the Suits at hershey’s don’t keep making them year round, that would be a BIG MISTAKE. This said, keep in mind that the Suits at Hersheys are concerned with revenues, not candy. They probably don’t have a single taste bud in their mouths. But I do hope they keep the Cherry kisses due to a little thing called Popular Demand

  57. 57
    CYN says:

    I thought for sure the cherry kisses would be around for Valentine’s Day. They are simply THE BEST flavored kiss EVER!!!
    Please make them available year round!!!!!

  58. 58
    Carla says:

    BRING THEM BACK they ar soooooooo good!

  59. 59
    Jill says:

    I am soooo sad that I am unable to find cherry kisses. Please bring them back!!!!

  60. 60
    Janet says:

    Come on people, they are selling them on ebay for 20 bucks. Bring em back already!!!!!!!!!

  61. 61
    Jane, Monica, Sharon, Lisa says:

    OMG! hERSHEY MUST keep these things coming year round. We work at a hospital, and we are hopelessly addicted. We have resorted to scouring the internet to find them. All the places we got them sold out in no time, and store managers were wanting to stock them year round because of their popularity. PLEEEEEEEAASE hERSHEY….KEEP ‘EM COMING!!!!!!!

  62. 62
    Kelly Lawton says:

    I was hooked from the first bite. I went back to the store and bought 5 bags and they’re all gone. I need more. Please don’t stop making them.

  63. 63
    ashley king says:

    these are wonderful. traditional taste with a new twist.

  64. 64
    Doreen LaRoche says:

    I agree this is something hersheys needs to keep on the self year round.I bought one bag when they first came out not wanting to buy to much of something I didn’t like well I loved them and haven’t been able to find them in any store in this town since I want more!!!!

  65. 65
    Jennifer says:

    I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE Them. Bring them back!! I looked everywhere for them. I neeeeedd cherry hersheys kisses!!!!

  66. 66
    Lindsay Noosbond says:

    I love them , need them, and got to have them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t find any anywhere! help?

  67. 67
    Barb Mckinney says:

    They are the best things I have ever had. Can’t find them and absolutely have to have them!

  68. 68
    Sandi Clements says:

    The Cherry Cordial Hershey Kisses are AWSOME. They need to be available all the time. They are a hot seller, please bring them back!

  69. 69
    Tiffany McDannald says:

    WE WANT OUR CHERRY CORDIAL KISSES – I NEED THEM!! They are the best thing on the market.

  70. 70
    Sandy says:

    They are delicious! They melt in your mouth. Best chocolate I have ever had. We need more!!

  71. 71
    Meg de Blank says:

    These are just the best! I bought some in Virginia and brought them back to the UK….and then tried desperately to have friends and family send me some and no one can find them….Please, please, please keep these and make them more available! Thanks so much!!!!!

  72. 72
    Dawn Leeseman says:

    I love the cherry cordial kisses and don’t know where to buy them. They were available at local store at Christmas, bought 2 bags and now unable to get them. Help!!!!!

  73. 73
    Cathy Staubitz says:

    I bought a bag of the cherry cordials (along with the other flavored kisses) and split the candy into little sample bags that I put in my Christmas exchange baskets. Well, I didn’t think to save any of them for me…but when Mom gave me one of hers – I was hooked…Now try and find them in the stores…! After checking several stores in Western New York and having no success, I returned to the jobsite in CT, I found the last bags at Walgreens.
    I thought that since Valentine’s Day is coming that they would still be there…
    I am addicted to them…forget the other candy bars out there…
    If so many people are hooked on these – it would be in Hershey’s interest to make them a year long stocked item…
    I think every month has a special day that the cordial cherry kisses can be used for! What the heck – I don’t need a holiday for these!!!

  74. 74
    Janaan says:

    I was so hoping there were other Cherry Cordial Kisses addicts out there other than me. I love them. I don’t know how many bags I ate, by myself and with my friends. Every one of them is hooked on them too.

    I went to the Hershey’s website and the only way to contact them is by phone. I wonder how many people tied up the lines asking for those Cherry Cordial Kisses.

  75. 75
    Kylee says:

    I love Cherry Cordial Kisses….I need them!!! If hershey’s wants to make money, they should of had the cherry cordiel kisses out for Valentines Day!!!!

  76. 76
    Sami King says:

    What a way to start a diet…eating just two Cherry Cordial Kisses and enjoying the melting of them in the mouth before eating … makes everything else you taste “OH HUM” that you quit eating…so you save calories…PLEASE KEEP THEM AROUND I NEED TO LOOSE SOME WEIGHT!

  77. 77
    Ellen Dunn says:

    I didn’t even get to try one – I’ve heard so many comments on how good they are that I have my entire family searching for them!! Come on – bring them back!!!!

  78. 78
    Lisa says:

    Gotta have more…please make them available all year !!

  79. 79
    Marianne says:

    I love the cherry ones. Oh my gosh they are so delicious….please please please keep them as a regular product!

  80. 80
    Susan Freeman says:

    We love those cherry kisses in Las Vegas!!! PLEASE make them available all year long!!

  81. 81
    Beverly Autry says:

    I just ordered Cherry Cordial Kisses off E-bay because I am so desperate to find them….. Hershey: Please produce these all year long. They are the best thing that has come out of Hershey Penn. since the regular kisses!!!!

  82. 82
    MaryJo says:

    OK, now we’re fighting over the last of the cherry cordial kisses – we live in Baltimore, will drive to Hershey for a cordial kiss. Oh please bring them back.

  83. 83
    Jen says:

    I hope they keep those cherry kisses coming !!! Yum Yum .The best

  84. 84
    Mike says:

    I too would like to see the cherry kisses put into year round production. I was lucky enough to get a bag at Christmas and I am hooked.

  85. 85
    danielle says:

    my family and myself love this candy and cant find them anywhere locally ive never had a candy that everyone enjoyed so much please hersheys make them all year round there awesomeeee

  86. 86
    Kat says:

    My boss brougt some in and i only got a few but i fell in love with then and have been serching everywhere for them. I am very disappointed they are not avlible and would definantly buy them year round if they were avalible. So PLEASE!!!!!!!

  87. 87
    Sandy C says:

    All the stores around me seem to be out of the Cherry Cordial Kisses. Where can I get more? Please add them to the year round inventory. They were great!

  88. 88
    H. Walker says:

    Finally got my first Cherry Cordial kisses, thanks to a dear friend who hoarded some for me – and I just bought 12 pounds of them online for Valentine’s Day gifts (who am I kidding? For MEEEEEEE!!!!) Hershey’s, you have a winner here – bring em back!!!

  89. 89
    carla says:

    A friend gave me one and it was amazing. I have been trying to find them ever since! keep em coming

  90. 90
    T. Walters says:

    The best i have found to get them is Thanks to the person that put’s infomation in this thread. Those people were great my order was shipped the sameday i ordered it!!!

  91. 91
    Thea Higgins says:

    I tried the Cherry Kisses a few weeks ago and now I cant find them in the stores I was going crazy now I have found them again.

  92. 92
    Sharon Renner says:

    I found the cherry filled kisses b/4 Christmas and really liked them, but they are unavailable in our town of Dickinson, N.D. 58601 . Please keep making them. They are better than the liquid filled chocolate covered cherries. Where can I get some?

    RESPONSE: There are a couple places online that you can get them – they are mentioned in the post.

  93. 93
    Kathy M. Wilson says:

    The cherry filled kisses were wonderful @ Christmas, but have since been out of stock in our local area. Hopefully they’ll return soooon again. They’re wonderful…

  94. 94
    Andrea Fowler says:

    PLEEEEEEEEEZE bring back the cherry cordial kisses!!!!!!!! I am SO addicted to them!!! I know I bought about 20 bags during the Christmas season, and then I went back for more and couldn’t find them anywhere! I just got lucky today though, my boss said her local Wal-mart just happened to find a case of them that were hidden in the back of their stockroom. She saw them and bought six bags and very graciously gave me one of them. (of course they are already sold out, so I couldn’t go back and buy out the rest.) These are the BEST kisses ever!!!!! I can’t wait until next Christmas!!! But you can bet if I do have to wait, the minute I see them on the shelf, I am going to stick the whole darn case in my shopping cart!!!

  95. 95
    Candy Addict -- Hershey’s Cherry Cordial Kisses - Back on Sale! says:

    [...] Perhaps they heard the cries of their fans in the “Make the Cherry Kisses Permanent” petition we started? I found the Cherry Kisses at a Shop-Rite grocery store, and Brian found them at Target. So, fellow Candy Addicts, have you seen Cherry Cordial Creme Kisses where you live? If so, where? [...]

  96. 96
    Patricia Turner says:

    I found them at Krogers(Ohio) last month & they still have them.

  97. 97
    What was I THINKING? » Blog Archive » I’m feeling the pain of longing says:

    [...] Will you have them for St Patrick's Day. What about Easter? July 4th? Rosh Hashona? I need to know. I need to be able to plan ahead and save my pennies so I can buy these by the case. They are that good. While searching the web looking for places to purchase these delectable morsels, I came across a petition for your company to produce more. I concur. And I signed. [...]

  98. 98
    Katrine B says:

    Please keep making these cherry kisses! They’re wonderful!

  99. 99
    Candy Addict - Candy Addict in The NY Times says:

    [...] A few weeks ago, Rob Walker, a reporter for the NY Times, contacted me and interviewed me for an article he was writing about limited edition candies . He was especially intrigued with our Hershey’s Cherry Cordial Kisses petition (currently 2116 Total Signatures and 98 comments on the post). [...]

  100. 100
    Kiss Lover says:

    Sam’s Club sells the 38.5 oz. bag of cherry cordials for $6.83 (in-store only price–no delivery) but of course, you have to be near a Sam’s Club AND be a member of Sam’s Club

  101. 101
    Kellie says:

    I tried the cherry kisses in Illinois and tried to find them to buy. Please keep them oging!!

  102. 102
    Fruit Inspection » Holiday Crack says:

    [...] But if you are also a fan of the Hersheys Kisses Cherry Cordials and would like to see them available all year, I found a petition that you can sign here and make your request known. [...]

  103. 103
    Robyn says:

    My grandmother and I are absolutly in love with these. We often fight over how many each of us gets, so please! keep them around!

  104. 104
    Anthony says:

    I really dont eat much chocolate but these kisses are the best. it taste like chocolate cover cherries. Its the perfect gift for christmas and valentines day… Its to bad that the are a limited addition. they tastes so good. almost as good as s_x :)

  105. 105
    Tammy Talley says:

    Please sell these cherry Kisses year round, they are great, thanks =)

  106. 106
    cassie says:

    we have to write buisness letters to a company an d i chose hersheys i really would like it if you would send me somthing when you get a letter from cassie hanson please send me something

  107. 107
    Jaime says:

    I’m completely addicted to these. PLEASE, bring them back!

  108. 108
    Nick P says:

    These might be the best Hershey Kisses ever made. They are becoming my favorite candy. I bought 50 11oz. bags tonight for $100 and I will do it again tomorrow I think. If you guys don’t make them year round I am going to make alot of money selling them on ebay! LOL

  109. 109
    RHONDA says:


  110. 110
    Stuart Ferris says:

    My wife was introduced to this candy at work, but when she tried to find them, they gave her the famous line. They are only a seasonal candy. I GUARANTEE SHE WOULD EAT THEM YEAR ROUND IF THEY WERE AVAILABLE THAT WAY. PLEASE HELP HER. REMEMBER I HEARD A LONG TIME AGO WHEN IN THE GROCERY BUSINESS MYSELF. THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!!

  111. 111
    Dorothy Kliewer says:

    Please keep Hershey’s cordeial kisses for sale year round.

  112. 112
    Melanie says:

    I have fallen madly in love with the Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Cherry Cordial kisses. I wrote Hershey begging them not to take them away from me. :-) I hadn’t realized they were limited at first, and managed to find a last backed tucked away at Target. I was talking to afraid in another state and he said he’d seen a couple of cases in a store near his house. So, I went to visit my sister who lived nearby and picked up four jumbo bags. I don’t like putting my chocolate in the fridge, but, obviously, I will take no chances. (oh, and I did break down and give one as a gift to my friend who had told me about them, he loves them as much as I do!)

  113. 113
    Debbie Hernandez says:

    I Have Made Some “Oh So Awesome” Cookies With The Chocolate Cherry Cordial Kisses. They Are So Yummy.I Live In Orange County California And I Really Haven’t Had A Problem Locating Any Of My Favorite Hershey’s Kisses.Lucky Me.I Am Looking Forward To Christmas Cookie Exchange This Year Because My Hershey’s Chocolate Cordial Kisses Cookies Will Definitly Be A Big Hit. Keep Em Coming Herhshey’s. Thank You.

  114. 114
    Jude Kazoo says:

    I just had my first dark chocolate cherry kiss, and it was incredible! please keep making them, Hersheys!

  115. 115
    SpookyTooth says:

    I was just at Target and they had all holiday candy 75% off. I picked up two good sized bags of Hershey’s Cherry cordials for .69 each! STOCK UP NOW.


  116. 116
    Robin Malott says:

    I fell in love with the cherry kisses last year when my m-i-l sent my husband and I one of those hershey gift baskets. Fortuntely the walgreens by me sold them all year-round, but I was glad when Target started carrying them for Christmas. Whenever I can’t find them I have to go with the truffles instead :( not bad, but not the cherry kisses!

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    Pam says:

    I love the dark chocolate cherry cordial kisses, but can’t find them any more. And the ones I did find were at Big Lots. Same is true of dark chocolate orange kisses. Need more of both.

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    Liz says:

    dark chocolate and cherry. mmm. please keeep them on the shelves.

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    Polly says:

    My neighbor offered me a handful of these decadent wonders that are called Hershey’s Cherry Cordial Kisses last night, and I just ate the last one. She told me they were seasonal and that they are already gone from the shelves. While it was so unselfish of her to share her “stash” with me, I could just kick her for introducing me to something so delicious that I can no longer have!!! That is cruel and inhumane! We are in Tulsa, and I’ll try our Sam’s Club. Has Walgreen’s, Food Pyramid or other stores carried them or mainly Wal Mart and buying clubs like Sam’s? I want to scour the market here to find any remaining bags, but I’m not above driving to some isolated small towns in Oklahoma in the event that these delightful sins might be carried at drug stores or small private grocery stores…….

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    Jeanette says:

    These are very dangerous. My daughter just bought a bag at Walmart and we are finding out that they don’t have them year round. Maybe thats a good thing because it is hard to have just one or ten… Please keep them on the shelf year round.

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    Jeni says:

    These things are crazy good! Why does Hershey make all their best candies limited-edition?

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    I recently visited Hershey Park in August and stayed at the Hershey Lodge. I asked one of the workers in the Bear’s Den restaurant about the Cherry Kisses. He told me that they’ve been out for about a year and a half or so and they are testing them. You generally won’t see them in most stores. He said maybe in price clubs or stores like Walmart that buy in bulk. I came across them on a website for those of you who really want to buy them. It’s called “the online candy shop”. And by the way, Amazon sells them, but they sell them through the online candy shop. I would just go directly to them. A 77 ounce bag costs $29.99 and a 38.5 ounce bag costs $15.99. Believe it or not, just as a point of interest, the worker also told me that they’ve been out in orange and coconut fillings also. MMMMM, I’d love to try those. All these awesome prototypes and very few available. Sad.

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