Japanese Strawberry Milk Wata Gum package
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This is one of the weirdest/coolest candy that I have come across in a while. It’s called Wata Gum (Wata means cotton in Japanese) and it looks sort of like cotton candy, fiberglass, or multiple sheets of toilet paper packed together. It’s soft and light like cotton candy and pulls apart like cotton candy, but when you put it in your mouth and start chewing it turns into gum! Freaky!
It’s also supposed to be fizzy, but I experienced no fizzines whatsoever – maybe the package wasn’t sealed and it went flat? Meiji Wata Gum comes in a number of different flavors -Orange Cola, Strawberry Milk (both reviewed below), and also Vanilla Cola, Cream Soda, and Green Apple (and maybe more).
Orange Cola: This taste was very similar to the Super Cola Shigekix I reviewed. It had an odd cola-ish flavor that was overshadowed by an orangey/citrus flavor. It was quite tasty.
Strawberry Milk: This one smelled exactly like Strawberry Quik when I opened the package. It had a nice, not-too-strong strawberry flavor to it. Very good.
Like I said, this stuff was crazy odd, but cool nonetheless. I definitely suggest giving it a try. It may be weird and freaky but it’s pretty tasty!
More pics of the Wata Gum
Buy Orange Cola Wata Gum at JBox
Buy Vanilla Cola Wata Gum at Amazon

Japanese Orange Cola Wata Gum out of package
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