Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Soft Candy

Perhaps it’s the attitude of people; relaxed, fun-loving and carefree. It could also be the weather; warm sun, long days, blooming flora, etc. More than likely it’s a combination of both. Whatever the cause, something about summer really gets me in the mood for fruity candy. Soft, hard, sticky, ooey, gooey, gummi – fruit flavored sweets tend to be a personal favorite during the long warm days.
This summer, I’ve been particularly interested in gummi fruit candy. Living in Munich, Germany fruit is always on my mind as I walk by the open-air fruit stands scattered abundantly throughout the city. Of course, I pass on the natural fruit – equally great in flavor and nutrition – and I head straight (bee line, really) for sugar… processed.
One candy I’ve become quite fond of is Storck’s Nimm2 Lach Gummi, a fruit flavored gummi treat with various gummi flavors to choose from – all nice for a warm summer sugar rush. Available for consumption are Joghurt (Yogurt), Frucht & Joghurt (Fruit & Yogurt), Frucht (Fruit), and Sauer (Sour).
Nimm2 Lach Gummi is a well known candy producer headquartered in Berlin. A product of August Storck KG, Nimm2 has been producing fruit flavored candy since 1962.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Soft Candy,Sour Candy

I first learned about Mamba in high school. A friend of mine, who happened to be a vegan, was making her way speedily through a package of candy during English class. I rarely saw her eat candy as few are designed for vegan consumption.
My initial reaction was one of distrust. She had “shared†her vegan candy with me before, and aside from Jelly Bellys, I tended to dislike the products; however, the voracity with which she was consuming them made me think there might be something more to them than meets the eye. I asked for a piece and she reluctantly offered me a lemon fruit chew. From that day on, English class informally became “eat Mamba and try to learn Romantic poetry” class.
Several months ago, Mamba released a spin-off to the classic flavor set with a sour variety. I found them often living in Los Angeles and regularly consumed them there, but was unable to spot them with the same frequency in Texas. This past week, I finally saw them hanging out at a local bookstore. (Seriously, one, what is candy doing in a bookstore, and two, why is Mamba always around literature?)
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Classic and Retro Candy

Forrest Gump’s mother once told him that life was like a box of chocolates. That’s all well and good, unless that box of chocolates happens to be opened by someone else in your family who eats all of the caramels before you get a chance.
There is nothing better than a candy box piece of chocolate-covered caramel. Or at least I thought so, until I stumbled upon a magnificent candy known as Storck Chocolate Riesen. In essence, having a bag of Riesen (pronounced “reason”) is like having an endless supply of the best part of the candy box- the thick, chewy chocolate caramel squares covered in a thin layer of rich, creamy chocolate.
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Categories: Awesomely Addictive Candy,Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Classic and Retro Candy

Exotic treats are not what you commonly expect to find on the candy rack of the local gas station. And though exotic might be a bit lofty when describing Toffifay (known outside the US as Toffifee), its unique nature compared to its store shelf neighbors definitely makes it stand out.
I recall first running across this Storck product when I was young. I wasn’t a very big fan back then of toffee (unlike today) and avoided this odd confection at first. But the curious looking box the candies came in intrigued me, particularly the beautiful rendering of the candy on the front of the package that didn’t appear to be toffee-like at all (which it’s not).
Imagine my surprise the first time I opened the package. The box is open at the top with paper enveloping all sides. Once you push your thumb through the paper and pop open one side of the box you discover a golden plastic tray hiding inside with four inch-wide cups each containing an individual Toffifay piece.
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