Candy Warehouse

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Cool and wacky candy from Japan

Candy Review: S’mores by Kennedy Gourmet

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy

Kennedy Gourmet is a Texas candy company with a wide range of products: from candy-covered spoons and pretzels to various mints and brittles. The packaging on this S’more has just the right degree of cuteness – it’s fun in a retro sort of way. The description reads, “Jumbo Marshmallows and Honey Graham Crackers Drenched in a Creamy Rich Chocolate Coating,” and it’s the ‘coating’ part which initially worries me. Reading the ingredients list on the back doesn’t really make me any happier, as the ‘chocolate coating’ seems to contain very little actual chocolate but a whole lot of additives.

Smores Side View

Upon closer inspection, the chocolate coating looks just a little bit too shiny, almost plastic in appearance. Not wanting to judge a S’more by its cover, I was still eagerly looking forward to eating it, as I love all things chocolate and marshmallow. Add to this my desperate need for a childhood reminder (graham crackers are not available here in Australia) and this was going to be one serious trip back to when McDonald’s birthday parties and giant shoulder pads were cool.

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Photoshop: Candy For Thought

Categories: Candy,Candy Photos

Smores Technology

Over at they recently had a photoshop contest called Food For Thought:

The rules of this game are thus: You may use any picture you can think of, but there must be an organic food somewhere in the photo and it must be in lieu of an item that one would normally expect to see.

Despite candy not being exactly organic, there are a surprising number of candy entries. Here are all the candy entries I found:

[via BoingBoing]

candy, food, chocolate, photo, photos, photoshop, contest