Categories: Awesomely Addictive Candy,Candy,Candy Reviews,Licorice Candy,New Candy,Soft Candy

It’s a good day for a Candy Addict when you stumble upon a new candy that rocks your world. I was in Walgreen’s the other day picking up a prescription for my newly-acquired bronchitis (long story) and what did I see but a display of new Fire Twizzlers. A cinnamon Twizzlers! When had these come out? I had heard nothing about them! With my love of all things cinnamon, especially Atomic Fireballs, I had to try them.
These Fire Twizzlers are of the “Pull – n – Peel” variety; nine shoestring-thin ropes stuck together to make one solid rope. As you can see from the picture, they are nice and fresh and wonderfully soft. If you like hot cinnamon candy like Fireballs, you’ll love these.
Some of the bites have a nice spicy flavor to them that just tastes good. Some of them have a really spicy kick to them that makes me say “Damn, this is hot!” (but in a really good way). I love these things. They’re way better than Chewy Atomic Fireballs. These are the best non-chocolate candy I have eaten in ages and I am awarding them our coveted Awesomely Addictive Candy Award. I’m on my second bag in less than a week.

I talked with someone from Hershey’s and was told that “Fire Twizzlers are a customer exclusive – available only through Walgreens” – so if you want some of these, Walgreens is the only place to find them. The “Twizzler brand team” is supposed to be getting back with me with more information, but I wanted to go ahead and get this review out. I’ll update it if I get any more good info.
Twizzlers, cinnamon, Fireballs
Categories: Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Licorice Candy

This month, I’ve decided to combine two months’ worth of Licorice of the Month Club fare into one big happy post. The reason for this is twofold – first of all, with the holidays I’ve been absurdly busy, and second, the two candies I’m profiling are red versions of black licorice I absolutely love.
First up is Black Opal Real Australian Raspberry Licorice. As I’ve mentioned before, I love Black Opal’s black licorice. The raspberry, however, is a different beast all together. Like its black brethren, this candy is very soft and not at all sticky, but there the similarities end. Where the black licorice has a fairly mild yet intriguing taste, the red seems to scream “I am raspberry, hear me roar!”
To be entirely honest, I’m not sure how true to an actual raspberry taste it is; I’ve avoided the fresh berry ever since I was a kid and had a mild allergic reaction to them. However, I can tell you it’s very sweet, almost to the point of overpowering. It doesn’t have that icky waxiness so endemic to Twizzlers and other such candy, though, so if you really like red licorice, this would probably be right up your alley.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Licorice Candy

Once again, it’s time for our monthly Licorice of the Month Club reviews. This time, the good folks over at Licorice International sent out some black licorice pipes which I’ve already reviewed (that didn’t stop me from loving them – again) and some red and black licorice laces.
I have to admit that I wasn’t overly impressed with the red laces when I first tasted them. I found them very hard to chew and overall not really worth the effort. With that experience, I put off tasting the black for a later date. A few days later, I returned to the package and resolved to try again. I was so glad I did.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Limited Edition Candy,New Candy,Soft Candy

One of the newest limited edition candies on the block are the Carnival Skittles. They immediately stand out in their playful yellow wrapper amongst all the other candies and I was lucky enough to find them in a convenience store that is close to where I work.
The package happily displays the flavors of a “carnival”: Bubble Gum, Cotton Candy, Green Slushie, Candy Apple, and Red Licorice. The smell of the opened package is very sweet and fruity and it’s hard to distinguish any of the flavors in the aroma. The candies are really pretty; whoever chose the colors did a great job with the color palette.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,New Candy,Soft Candy

Hershey’s new “Fresh From The Factory” candies are shipped to you within 96 hours of them being made at the Hershey’s factory so you get them at their freshest. About two weeks ago I reviewed Hershey’s new Fresh From The Factory (FFTF from now on) Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and I wasn’t overly thrilled with them. They are good but not that much better than the original. I suspected though, that FFTF Twizzlers would be better than the original by leaps and bounds. I was right.
I’ve never really liked Twizzlers much. I am more of a Red Vines man. I always thought eating Twizzlers was like gnawing on a rubber hose – very chewy and mostly tasteless. My wife, however, loves Twizzlers and has for years. I know, how can a Twizzlers-lover and a Red Vines man live in the same household?
I received a 5 lb tub of FFTF Twizzlers and aside from the great smell, the first thing I noticed is how soft they were. To best illustrate how soft and fresh they are, I took the pictures below.
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