Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,New Candy
Palmer’s Chow Down Mix is one of those concoctions that really look like they threw a bunch of leftovers together. It honestly looked really unappetizing to me. You can see from the photo that it’s a mix of mini pretzels, some candy-coated chocolate pieces and a bunch of white candy-coated items. The white candy-coated items are more mini pretzels, a wheat circle (reminds me of a certain cereal) and wheat squares (reminds me of yet another cereal).
I’ve never been a huge fan of anything claiming to be “yogurt covered†or covered in today’s candy makers’ fake white chocolate. So, knowing this about me, you can understand that I thought it was a candy I was not going to like. Upon opening the container, a huge aroma of vanilla bursts out of the tub. It wasn’t overpowering, but it let you know it was there. Once I ate some of the Chow Down Mix, I was actually surprised that the flavors work together nicely. We all know salty pretzels work well with anything sweet but the combination with the white candy coating and the candy-coated chocolate pieces was actually pretty good.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy
candy images in this post courtesy of Anthemic Tangle
Easter I get kind of dazed by the sheer multitude of chocolate Easter bunnies beckoning to me from the store shelves. They’re all pretty and shiny, and I can hear them calling, “Pick me! Pick me!” But which one to choose?
Well, this year I embarked on the Bite A Bunny experiment. I did a taste test to decide, once and for all, what the best bunny choices are. So I didn’t get totally overwhelmed by the bountiful bunnies, I had some simple rules: stick to milk chocolate, go for hollow bunnies where possible, and only choose bunnies that are readily available to the average shopper. I came up with seven contestants. All bunnies were hollow, except where noted.
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Categories: Candy,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy,Novelty Candy
I saw this on the shelf in the Valentine’s Day candy aisle in Walgreen’s today and just had to laugh. It’s made by R.M. Palmer and it’s a rather large fish-shaped chocolate wrapped in fish foil that makes it look just like a fish. I believe one was a bass and one was a trout – though I’m not positive; I’m not a fish expert. The milk chocolate fish comes with your choice of two different sayings: “You’re A Keeper” or “I’m Hooked On You.” I have to believe these are for women to buy for men. I can’t imagine a woman appreciating a chocolate fish. Sure, it’s chocolate, but it’s a fish! It even comes in a package that looks like it’s mounted on a wall!
chocolate, Valentine, fish
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,New Candy
Candy bars and sports heroes have a long history together. Many greats have had candy bars named in their honor, from Muhammad Ali to Reggie Jackson to The San Diego Chicken himself. The tradition continues with another athlete-inspired bar that will be hitting shelves this winter: the Big Mo’ bar, named in honor of Moorestown, North Carolina and its most famous resident: NASCAR star Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
The bar is produced by the R.M. Palmer company, which is a nice change of pace, as Palmer chocolate is very different than the chocolate produced by other leading candy companies. Palmer chocolate is thick and dense, with a smooth finish that coats the throat upon swallowing and often requires a milk chaser to wash it down completely. It is a chocolate experience that is loved by some and loathed by others.
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