Candy Warehouse

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Cool and wacky candy from Japan

Candy Giveaway: Sandy Candy Mega Paks for 12 Lucky Readers

Categories: Candy,Candy Giveaways,Novelty Candy,Sour Candy

Sandy Candy
Remember sand art? Bottles and shapes filled with layers of colored sand? It always looked good enough to eat… and now you can with Sandy Candy aka Edible Sand Candy. Our friends over at Sandy Candy want to share their fun and tasty Sandy Candy with Candy Addict readers so they have donated 12 (yes, twelve) Mega Paks of Sandy Candy (each a $50 value) for us to give away! What’s in a Sandy Candy Mega Pak you ask?
Sandy Candy
Fifty 6-inch straws with caps and twenty small candy bottle full of Sandy Candy. Flavors of Sandy Candy included are:

  • Black Cherry
  • Blue Raspberry
  • Bubble Gum
  • Cherry Cola
  • Cherry Crème
  • Cotton Candy
  • Fruit Punch
  • Grape
  • Green Apple
  • Lemonade
  • Lemon Lime
  • Orange Crème
  • Root Beer
  • Strawberry
  • Sweet Lemonade
  • Tangerine
  • Tart Apple
  • Watermelon
  • Wildberry
  • Wild Cherry

That’s enough Sandy Candy to have a great birthday party activity!

So, what do you have to do to get yourself a free Sandy Candy Mega Pak? This one’s easy… just compose an original poem about Sandy Candy and submit it as a comment on this post. Make it cute, funny, sad, or whatever you want (it doesn’t have to rhyme either – haikus are okay too). The 10 best Sandy Candy poem authors will receive a Sandy Candy Mega Pak. For those with less than stellar poetic skills, we’ll give two Mega Paks away to two random entrants – so enter even if you can’t figure out what ryhmes with “orange”. Be sure and use a real email address you check regularly so we can contact you if you win.

Contest ends May 8, 2008.

The fine print
Prize packs can be sent to US addresses only – no P.O. Boxes. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Offer void where prohibited. Not responsible for lost or misdirected e-mail. If you don’t reply to the winning email in 3 days your prize will be forfeit and we will choose another winner.

Quickie Candy Reviews: Twix, Snickers, 3 Musketeers, Hi-Chew, and Tung Toos

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Mint Candy

A few quick reviews to make you hungry:

Twix PBTwix PB: It’s not too sweet, which is nice. The Twix PB had some good flavor, but overall, it just didn’t do it for me. It’s just not truly a Twix for me unless it has caramel in it. The chocolate cookie was a nice touch though. Overall, it’s not bad, but not great.

Snickers DarkSnickers Dark: Snickers Dark is back on the market for good after being a Limited Edition. If ever there has been a case for milk chocolate over dark, this is it. Regular, milk chocolate Snickers is sooooo much better. This barely tasted like a Snickers! Skip the Dark.

mint_3_musketeers.jpg3 Musketeers Mint: Rachel tried this a while back and wasn’t thrilled with it. I thought it was great. It had plenty of minty goodness for me and tasted like a York Peppermint Patty in bar form. Good stuff.

Hi-Chew Green AppleHi-Chew Green Apple: Hi-Chew is a Japanese favorite and this is the first flavor I have tried. WOW! Loved it! Oddly rubbery at first but turns chewy and super-delicious. If you like sour apple flavor you must try it. Now I want to try all the Hi-Chew flavors!

tung_toos.jpgTung Toos: We first mentioned these over a year ago and I finally got to try them now. They don’t have a ton of flavor since they are more for fun than for “eating”, but they are definitely fun. They’re the kind of thing my six-year old daughter loves. It’s just not really an adult thing.


Buy these candies online:

Twix, peanut butter, chocolate, Snickers, mint, 3 Musketeers. Japanese, Japan

Candy Review: Halloween Mini Review Roundup

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Holiday Candy,Lollipops,Novelty Candy

Halloween Pocky

It’s finally October, fellow Candy Addicts, and we all know what that means! Halloween, the best holiday ever, will soon be upon us. Halloween not only marks the opening of “candy season” here in the U.S. but it also allows the shelves of our favorite stores to be filled up with treats to tie us over in the meantime.

I went out in search of some of these early Halloween candies and rounded up a few to share with you here. Isn’t it nice of me to do all the foot work for you? I certainly plan on putting this knowledge to good use: making sure I greet Halloween properly with a sugar-induced coma!

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McPhee’s Gummy Haggis and Gummy Tapeworm

Categories: Candy,Gross Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy

Gummy Haggis

UPDATE: We did a video review of these products. Watch it here.

Have you ever wanted to try haggis, but you just can’t seem to make it to Scotland for some of that entrails-y goodness? Or, have you ever wanted to experience tapeworm, but you just can’t find the time to hunt down that parasite? If this sounds like you, Archie McPhee has the answer! For a scant $4.95 a piece, you can treat yourself to one of these gastronomical delights.

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Freeze Dried Ice Cream: Candy or Not?

Categories: Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy

Astronaut Ice Cream

I’ve long contemplated how, exactly, Freeze Dried Astronaut Ice Cream should be categorized. Is it candy? Or perhaps it’s simply a general-purpose dessert? Is it dairy or not?

Well, I still don’t have an answer to these age-old questions, but my investigations have certainly been tasty. Turns out, I’m one of the few people in the world who likes the stuff. Just as with my licorice adoration, my Freeze Dried Ice Cream addiction is often maligned and only rarely shared with any other member of the human race.

So, what about it? Anyone else like the stuff? Is it candy or not? Leave a comment and tell us what you think!

Buy Freeze Dried Ice Cream online: