Categories: Candy,Candy For Kids,Candy Reviews,Gross Candy,Holiday Candy

Image from Anthemic Tangle
Ok, yeah, I know:
Halloween was so yesterday and we’re looking forward to Thanksgiving already. But I just grabbed my last bag of Halloween-themed sale candy. I couldn’t resist: it’s a big bag of
Willy Wonka goodness AND it was on sale. Plus, there’s extra Halloween-themed silliness involved. What’s a Candy Addict to do but dive right in?

Image from Anthemic Tangle
First up, Willy Wonka Laffy Taffy Ear Wax. Maybe all the
Harry Potter ear-wax-flavored
jelly bean references are to blame, but for some reason I had to try these first. Fortunately, these do not look or taste like ear wax. This cheery yellow
Laffy Taffy tastes like
banana. Granted, it’s that fake, candy banana taste, but it’s mellow enough that I enjoyed it. These were surprisingly sweet, but in a good way. And, as I chewed, I got that nice, underlying
taffy flavor. The texture was good, too – nice and chewy, but it didn’t stick to my teeth. Between the fun, gross out factor and the taffy goodness, I’d have these again.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Hard Candy,New Candy,Sour Candy

Wonka’s Nerds have always impressed me because of their sheer boldness as a candy. With the exception of Pixy Stix and possibly Fun Dip (both Wonka products), few candies out there are as reckless about their conception as Nerds. They’re not trying to be molded into a particular shape, and they don’t look like a cute animal; they’re asymmetrical lumps of sugar and artificial flavorings that don’t apologize for their appearance.
Many people were never a fan of the candy, and I think it’s because of the premise of the candy itself. There aren’t complex flavors and multiple textures (unlike the Giant Chewy Nerds) and they do little to disguise their ingredients. Most of the people who do like them are children of the eighties and nineties, when candy was re-conceptualized to become more about sugar, sourness, and gimmick than true quality and simplicity.
As a teenager, I stopped buying these because, frankly, I had to start using my own money to buy candy since my parents wanted me to become a responsible adult. That wasn’t to say that I didn’t like them, but I didn’t want to waste my allowance on fruity aquarium pebbles when I could get something better with my money.
Recently, the Nerds line has reinvented itself by adding Nerds Rope and Giant Chewy Nerds to the market. Both spinoffs are great candies in my opinion, and so when I spotted Sour Nerds in the sale bin at my local H.E.B., I thought they could be the third great of a Nerds triumvirate.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gum

Today’s guest review comes from a true gumball lover blogging at Maison de Gumball….
For sugar lovers everywhere, the search for sugar nirvana has come to a sudden and crunchy close. Yes, that’s right – I’ve found the answer to the age long question of how much sugar can be crammed into a single piece of candy. The answer: too much.
Allow me to introduce you to the Nerds Filled Gumballs. This seizure-inducing treat has a number of unique characteristics previously unknown to the extended chew industry. The sheer quantity of sugar was once believed to be impossible, yet some deranged candy maker has produced the Nerds Filled Gumball. Personally, I enjoy nothing more than settling into a lasting and fulfilling chew of a gumball. Nothing satisfies the molars like the pleasurable elasticity of that sugar coated orb known as the gumball.
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Categories: Candy,Candy News,Chocolate Candy,New Candy

Nestle/Wonka doesn’t have a lot on the way for us in 2008, but what they do have packs a punch:
- Wonka Giant Chewy Nerds – we reviewed Giant Chewy Nerds already and they are fan-freakin-tastic. In stores now for $0.69-$0.89.
- Wonka Tinglerz – Remember Nestle Buncha Crunch? They were small, bite-sized pieces (globs) of Nestle chocolate and crisped rice. Imagine those but now add in popping candy and you have Wonka Tinglerz. We tried them at the All Candy Expo and they were quite good. Look for a full review from us soon (we have pre-release bags of them in hand) and look for them in stores around the end of September, 2008 at a price of $0.69-$0.89 fro a 1.8 oz bag.
- Nestle Chunky Dark Giant – A 4.5 oz dark chocolate bar with peanuts and raisins and scored into four pieces. “Great to share.” Available end of September, 2008 for a retail price of about $1.29.
Categories: Candy,Candy Clothing

If I had a business card that stated the adjectives most appropriate for describing me, the first one would definitely be “Candy Addict.” The second? Nerd. I love sci-fi and computers almost as much as I love candy. Come to think of it, I’m happiest camped out in front of the TV watching Star Trek reruns and eating bonbons than I am anywhere else. Now, there’s a shirt that embraces both primary aspects of my personality.
From NerdyShirts comes the Nerds Rule T-Shirt. Featuring a nerd holding a box of Nerds, the shirt’s a great way to proclaim your or your loved one’s candy addicted nerdiness. At $20, though, I know I don’t have enough cash left over from my post-Easter purchases to buy one for myself. Ah well, at least my birthday is coming up soon…
shirt, Nerds