With a name like Heavenly Bites, you automatically expect that the sweet little sensation you’re about to dive into is chock full of divine inspiration. Given the fact that this 100% natural confection, produced by Boulder, Colorado’s Oh Yes You Candy!, is made with carob rather than chocolate, I immediately knew that an absolute miracle would have to occur for me to like it.
Candy Review: Heavenly Bites
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,New CandyCandy Review: Q.bel Chocolate Wafer Rolls and Bars
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,New CandyOne of the greatest perks of being an official Candy Addict is the occasional box of review candy that comes in my mail. Any box that smells of chocolate is a good box in my book. That chocolate aura surrounding the drab cardboard exterior speaks of tasty treasures lurking inside. Last week, I hit the mother lode.
The UPS guy showed up at my door the other day, set a box on the deck, and rushed off. I picked up the box and – Oh! This is heavy! I couldn’t believe how heavy. The shipping label clearly stated its weight of 11 pounds. Eleven pounds… of chocolate.
Gum Review: Glee Gum Peppermint
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gum,Mint CandyGlee Gum is “all natural gum made with rainforest chicle.” Chicle, I learned, is the original “gum” part of chewing gum, no longer used by large-scale commercial gum makers because – you guessed it – a cheaper synthetic substitute was developed. Glee Gum’s site has an excellent FAQ with lots of information about chicle and its benefits to gum chewers, workers, and rain forests, but how’s the gum taste?
The nifty retro-styled, business-card-sized box contains eighteen pieces of gum about the size of Chiclets. (Hmmm, interesting name… Chief Candy Addict Brian noted this a few years back in a history of chewing gum). Glee Gum peppermint has a nice minty flavor on the first bite, and the gum texture is exactly what you’d expect: kinda rubbery, like any other gum. I like the peppermint flavor of this gum because it actually reminds me of the plant, but this gum loses its flavor fast. Nearly all taste is gone in under three minutes. Good thing there’s seventeen more pieces.
I don’t know about provoking any glee, but this gum is nice if you want a fresh-tasting natural gum without a bunch of artificial gunk in the way of the flavor, or in your body. Glee Gum also comes in Spearmint, Tangerine, Cinnamon, Triple Berry and Bubblegum, and the company is open to your new flavor suggestions on their site.
Buy Glee Gum Online:
- at Candy Direct
- at Amazon.com