As you wander around the candy aisles this October, you’ll no doubt notice an array of Halloween-themed bags, with pumpkins, spiders, and bats climbing atop your favorite candy bars. But another color might catch your eye amidst the array of bright orange Halloween bags: the color pink, the official color of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Throughout the month of October, several major candy companies are joining the fight against breast cancer by releasing limited-edition products designed to raise awareness as well as funding toward breast cancer research. My M&M’s will be donating 10% of its “Promise Blend”, an online-only mix of pink and white M&M’s imprinted with a “running ribbon” on one side and “For the CURE” on the other, to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure, an organization dedicated to finding a cure for breast cancer. As with all My M&M’s products, personalized messages are also available on the Promise Blend M&M’s, to allow customers to send messages of encouragement and inspiration to loved ones.
Oh, how I love this commercial. An old school gem from the early 80′s, this is the type of M&M’s commercial that carried the brand through the decade: happy jingles, close up shots of the (now retro!) bag of Plain M&M’s being poured into someone’s hand, and the happy M&M’s themselves, dancing about. Though our M&M friends have gotten a makeover over the past 25 years, what with computer animation, a slightly darker sense of humor, and clearly lower voices, the heart of these commercials remains the same: M&M’s are a fun and delicious candy, and, as the jingle here states: all the world loves them.
Be sure to look for my buddy, Tan M&M, who makes an appearance in this commercial. We will never forget you, Tan M&M! Though I’m not sure if it’s you in the commercial, or Orange M&M, I’m going to choose to believe it’s you! That’s how desperate I am to see a Tan M&M, people!
Also worth noting in this commercial is the computer the two kids are using. I’m pretty sure I played Oregon Trail on that computer in 1986. And I’m also pretty sure that I did it with a bag of M&M’s by my side.
The new M&M’s Premiums line has arrived, and as soon as you see a box you’ll realize that these are no ordinary M&M’s. These M&M’s are something special. From presentation to taste, M&M’s Premiums are quite impressive, hitting the mark in both style and substance.
The presentation is fantastic, starting with the outer packaging. The typical M&M’s bag has been swapped out for a sleek, upscale-looking box that is resealable on the outside as well as on the inside, as both the outer carton and the plastic inner pack of M&M’s come with resealable tabs to keep the candy locked in and fresh.
It’s a small but wonderful innovation, as it allows buyers to carry, share, and store the M&M’s without worrying that they’ll spill. You can also pour out a handful for a friend and then save the rest for later without having to resort to the old school M&M’s pack method of rolling the bag as tight as you can and shoving it in your pocket, which is nice.
The M&M’s themselves are also quite striking: with pearly shells of soft mint green, royal blue, shimmering copper, raspberry red, and a dazzling lavender, the M&M’s provide a lovely visual that I’m sure will be quite popular for parties, gifts, and holidays. Their decorative quality is fancier than your typical holiday-themed M&M, which makes them appropriate candy decor for weddings and other formal events as well. They really are quite lovely. Almost too pretty to eat.
Almost. But come on, now. A pretty candy shell isn’t going to stop me from shoveling M&M’s into my mouth in the least dainty way possible. I can’t help it, man! I’m a Candy Addict!
You’d have to be living in a cave to not know that the newest Indiana Jones film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be opening in theaters on May 22nd, and about time too! It seems that advertisements, posters and other promotional ties are everywhere with my favorites being the the Mint Crisp M&Ms, along with the Snickers Adventure Bar that were released especially for the new movie. Now you can enjoy more Indiana Jones candy action with the game on the M&Ms website!
The premise is simple: you experience the excitement of Indiana Jones by playing either as Green, Red or Yellow while you explore the ancient Mayan Temple in search of their greatest treasure: the Mint Crisp M&Ms! It’s very cute, especially since I felt as if I had my own treasure hunt trying to find these in stores. I found this game to be like the Mint Crisp M&Ms, totally addicting! Give it a try and be sure to let us know if you succeed in finding the treasure.
They’re finally here! The long awaited Mint Crisp M&Ms that we heard were coming out in time for the new Indiana Jones movie are finally on shelves. And not a moment too soon! Between my eagerness to see Indy in his new geriatric adventure glory and tasting the new M&Ms adventure that Mars has planned for us, I could hardly contain my excitement when I found these in the store. It was like finding Indy’s candy holy grail in a way.
The M&Ms are not the only new candy with the Indiana Jones tie-in. There’s also the Snickers Adventure Bar that I reviewed back in January. The plain Milk Chocolate, Peanut and the new Mint Crisp M&Ms are outfitted in new themed packages and they are quite attractive I admit (more so than the Shrek and the Pirates of the Caribbean ones M&Ms). Of course the Mint Crisp ones are a special limited edition flavor tied to the movie like the White Chocolate Pirate Pearls were.