As we discovered in our recent review of Popping Mini Eggs, Cadbury seems willing to go to some pretty darn strange places in order to “improve†a candy that many would argue is already the pinnacle of Easter candy perfection. I like to imagine the conversation went kind of like this:
Cadbury Executive 1: Yeah, Mini Eggs are pretty darn popular.
Cadbury Executive 2: No kidding – they’re our top-selling Easter candy. But you know what’s wrong with them?
Cadbury Executive 1: No, Bob – what’s wrong with them?
Cadbury Executive 2: They’re just not MINI enough!
Cadbury Executive 1: By George… I think you’re on to something!
And thus, Micro Mini Eggs were born.
Unsurprisingly, they look just like mini versions of the regular ones, with their pale pastel colors speckled with brown. (In the picture below, the bigger eggs are regular-sized Popping Eggs.) However, they do only come in four colors – purple, yellow, blue and white. If you want to believe the bag, Purple is the chick, Blue’s the cool dude, and Yellow’s a dead ringer for my Aunt Marge. Maybe White’s the pasty nerd who never leaves his basement, thus explaining why he didn’t show up for the photo shoot.
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Now, some people might say that Mini Eggs are perfect just the way they are – tiny, sugary ovoids of chocolaty perfection. To those people I say, BLASPHEMY! There is no candy so perfect that marketing executives can’t tweak with the formula to produce a bunch of special editions that nobody really needed, but all of us Candy Addicts are going to snap up by the handfuls anyway. Not that I’m bitter – this is the mindset that gave us Dark Chocolate Mini Eggs, after all. But after you’ve made a perfect candy even MORE perfect with dark chocolate, where do you go from there?
If you’re Cadbury, that place might just involve Pop Rocks – and lots of ‘em.
To a certified Candy Addict, a big bag of Mini Eggs is about as fun as it gets anyway – but kids today have short attention spans, I guess. Hence, the creation of Mini Eggs that literally explode in your mouth.
As far as I could see, these come only in the smallest, single serving-size bag – which, at 32 grams, feels a lot lighter than I remember from previous years. However, the regular and dark Mini Eggs also come in this bag size, so at least everyone’s getting stiffed equally, I guess? The eggs themselves look a little different than regular Mini Eggs – their color’s more intense, and they’re missing those distinctive brown speckles.
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