It’s nice to take the occasional break from candy-eating and have a chance to try out some new gum. My two packs of Dentyne Pure couldn’t have come at a better time. I had just finished my morning latte and had an appointment with the eye doctor within the hour. I was a little apprehensive about having coffee breath and my mind wandered to all the terrible things people must deal with in their occupations. Massage therapists rubbing on a customer he would rather pay NOT to touch… Podiatrists with a funky-footed patient… an eye doctor treating a patient with medium-bold coffee breath. And now I’m back to reality.
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Candy Review: Dentyne Pure gum
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gum,New CandyJapanese Candy Review: Hi-Chew American Cherry, Melon, Lemon
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) CandyFor a while it looked like you’d never see another non-chocolate candy review from me. I discovered that my local Japanese markets are now carrying the Mango flavor Hi-Chew that I reviewed so enthusiastically a while ago. I bought a large quantity and felt that now, my life was complete. Well, as far as non-chocolate candy goes, anyway.
But curiosity got the better of me. After all, a package only costs a buck. If the mango is so good, maybe there are other wonders that I don’t want to miss, right?
So I grabbed a Lemon and Melon at the store. And then while ordering something else from J-List, I saw a flavor called “American Cherry” and wondered what the heck that was, and it only took one click to find out, right?
Candy Review: Life Savers Gummies Island Fruits
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gummi/Gummy CandyEveryone knows a Life Saver – the sweet, minty or fruity hard candy with the candy-with-the-hole shape. I’m no Life Savers connoisseur, but I do enjoy them. I like being able to pop one in my mouth for ten minutes of flavor enjoyment. I’m a Life Savers sucker – not a muncher.
I recently tried a different type of Life Saver, one that you almost have to chew, one that is completely different from the Life Savers I grew up loving. These are Life Savers Gummies – the gummy worm version of this iconic American candy gone modern.
What can I say about gummy candy? It’s… gummy. Beyond that, I’ll refrain from giving my personal opinion of candy gumminess. You know if you like gummies or not. Your opinion is the only one that matters since I’m not coming over to eat candy with you. (Unless you’ll be sharing some See’s Chocolate.)
Candy Review: Melon Mango Tic Tacs
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Mint Candy,New CandyTic Tacs have never been my favorite mint – they’re just too wimpy for my tastes. I’ve always preferred mints that are strong enough to make my tongue sting. I like the mellow vanilla outside of the white mint ones, but to me it doesn’t really go with the minty center, and the orange-flavored ones were just another fruit and mint combo for me to dislike.
I haven’t had a Tic Tac in years, but it seems like they’ve really expanded their flavor lineup – including this brand-new flavor combination, Melon Mango (two flavors in one!). Armed with a hefty Big Pack courtesy of the All Candy Expo, I endeavored to see if my opinion of them would be improved by these new flavors.
Candy Review: Skittles Crazy Cores
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,New CandyThis past week I had the pleasure of having my father visit for the holidays. It was a great time. We explored the city, dined at my favorite eateries, and enjoyed the sweet tooth I genetically inherited from him by popping into various confection stores and leaving very, very full.
When it was time to bid adieu to him, we pulled into a gas station near my house so he could fill the rental car up and avoid the surcharge. Despite this gas station being located down the street from me, I hadn’t set foot in it a long time, but remember finding a slew of great candy during earlier visits.
As he paid the clerk, I browsed the candy aisle and scanned it for something out of the ordinary. Maybe because it was Christmas Day (I can’t really figure it out otherwise), but there amongst all the different flavors of Skittles sat the newest spin-off, Skittles Crazy Cores.
I first learned about the upcoming release of this candy back in the fall, but I hadn’t seen these in any major supermarkets or drugstores, which made my spotting them in an independently owned gas station particularly Christmas miracle-esque.