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Candy Review: Bali’s Best Tea Candy, Classic Iced Tea

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Hard Candy

Bali’s Best Tea Candy Classic Iced Tea

Remarkable candy at an inexpensive price is pretty hard to come by on its own. But try finding a product that isn’t considered mainstream. Well, that just seems impossible. But despite the challenge, it is one that I relish.

Lately, the weather in Austin has been lovely, so I find myself taking random strolls in my neighborhood after work. On a recent occasion, I stumbled past an independent grocery. A nice fact I have discovered in my pursuing of candy over the years is that independent chains often stock items that are normally uncommon.

This grocery was no exception. Their candy aisle consisted of various local and international products. But what to choose? Well, because it was seventy-something degrees outside, when I spotted Bali’s Best Tea Candy: Classic Iced Tea, I couldn’t refuse. I mean, candy plus iced tea on a hot day equals yay!

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