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Candy Review: Bali’s Best Green Tea Latte Candy

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Hard Candy


Bali’s Best Green Tea Latte Candy is a hard candy with infused green tea that “originates … exclusively in the islands of Java.” The package continues: “Mindfully hand-plucked, our tea derives its fresh & lively flavor and light floral scent from the sultry Javanese climate and rich soils.” I don’t know what it means to “mindfully” pluck tea leaves (I’d bet that a long day of harvesting tea would quickly become a mindless task), but I’m excited to try these individually-wrapped candies made in Indonesia. They’re also all-natural – with ingredients you don’t need a chemistry degree to understand.

But what do they taste like? Do I really want tea in my candy?

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