Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Gourmet Candy

Woodhouse Chocolates make the most beautiful candies I have ever seen. The variety of shapes, the sharp detail – it’s like a box of jewels made of chocolate.
But, is it more than just eye candy? Let us examine this question in excruciating detail.
Thai Ginger – Contains an intensely-flavored piece of candied ginger that isn’t too sweet, and is nice and juicy, not dry like candied ginger can be. I don’t taste any lemongrass, so there’s nothing Thai about this, but I’m not complaining. I like this flavor combination and this is well done.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gourmet Candy,Hard Candy,Lollipops

I had the pleasure of reviewing some of Lollipop Labs unusual lollipops this weekend. Given that they have flavors like “Dirty Martini” and “Earl Grey,” I would recommend these lollies more for the discerning Candy Addict than for, say, your five year old.
A couple of general notes: these lollipops don’t have a lot of scent when you open them, but don’t let that fool you. As soon as you lick them you get plenty of flavor. I thought one of the coolest things about them was the way the flavor nuances change as you eat them. Sometimes you’ll get more of one herb than another as you go, while still enjoying the overall main flavor of the lollipop. Neat! Plus, I love that I recognize and can pronounce every ingredient on the labels.
One more thing: if you don’t see a flavor below that appeals to you, Lollipop Labs will custom design the flavor and shape of their lollipops to your specifications. How cool is that?
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Gourmet Candy

Chocolate and ginger is one of my favorite flavor combinations. And I’m picky about my combinations, as I frequently mention, in the interests of full disclosure. I don’t like all kinds of crazy different stuff mushed together. I have a lot of faith that if society in general has decided that chocolate is good with coffee, but there’s no long tradition of chocolate-blueberry, there is probably a good reason for this.
But ginger is one of those things that really works with chocolate – and yet, it’s not that easy to indulge in it. It’s just not practical for me to buy a whole box of Theo chocolates every time I’m in the mood for their fantastic chocolate-ginger piece.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Gourmet Candy

In my household, we don’t stand on romantic ceremony – I pick my own Valentine’s Day chocolates. So I have no one but myself to blame if I don’t get it right.
This year, I was too distracted to mail-order something in time. I am usually happy to take a rain check on a holiday – if George Washington can move his birthday around, why can’t I? So I was going to order something later.
But they had a big display of these Knipschildt chocolates at Whole Foods. I find it very hard to resist their boxes, covered with rough, colorful hand-made paper. I try to remind myself that I don’t eat the paper, but it doesn’t always work.
So I ended up with this lovely Valentine’s heart. Unfortunately, while the paper didn’t disappoint me, the chocolates did. They are beautiful to look at as well, but after the intense flavors of my recent experiences with Theo and Chuao, these just didn’t measure up.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Recipes,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy

Valentine’s Day is inching closer and closer. And people always say the best gifts are ones given from the heart, but nothing says “I love you†better than something from the heart for the stomach.
So in honor of all those lovey-dovey cherubs hovering by, here is my February candy recipe of the month. I call it my Lots-a-Luv Cookies. These babies are sure to wow anyone you present them to because they aren’t the sort of things you would just hand over to anybody.
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