Candy Warehouse

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Cool and wacky candy from Japan

Candy Cinema: Miam!

Categories: Candy,Candy Art,Candy Videos

Miam! Supinfocom Arles 2008 from miamteam on Vimeo.

File this under coolest thing I’ve seen in a long time. Miam! is the amazing work of a team of French filmmakers. The animated short follows a young boy as he journeys up the shelves of the candy aisle and into a magical world of candy. Along with a candy princess, he goes on an adventure through this land of candy, eventually fighting the Great Blob of Mockolate to save the princess. (Ok, maybe it’s supposed to be chocolate and not mockolate, but could chocolate really be so evil? I say nay! ‘Tis the work of the evil mockolate!)

And boy is there candy! Every kind you can think of, amazingly rendered and animated. From gummi bears to licorice to gumdrops and lollipops, it definitely looks good enough to eat. It’s like a Candy Addict’s dream come to life… on film, at least.

Many thanks to Laurent, one of the creators, for sharing this with us!