Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Holiday Candy,Soft Candy

Well, you know how it goes – I bought a stack of Easter items to review right after Easter, but then I got lazy. So now I’m stuck writing about Easter candy while everyone else has moved on to bigger and better things, like the fast-approaching All Candy Expo. But I swear this is my last Easter candy review until next year – unless something interesting comes up at the ACE, of course.
Anyway, Canadian chocolatier Laura Secord is another one of those middle-to-high-end chocolate companies like Purdy’s, and it’s known mainly for its chain of mall chocolate shops, but its products are also available in other stores, especially around the big candy holidays. The Secord Egg is Laura Secord’s answer to the Cadbury Creme Egg : a chocolate egg filled with a yellow and white fondant center. (The Secord Egg calls it “butter cream,†despite there being neither butter nor cream in the ingredients.) A higher-end Creme Egg? Sign me up!
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy,Soft Candy

For many Candy Addicts, the most wonderful time of the year isn’t Christmas – it’s the post-Christmas sale season (what businesses here in Canada refer to as “Boxing Week,†the natural extension of the traditional Boxing Day sale). Boxing Week is an excellent opportunity to compensate for a disappointing Christmas by buying what you really wanted at crazy-low sale prices – and that goes for candy as well. Stale candy canes? Mockolate Santa that might just be left over from last Christmas? Make up for it by buying yourself a nice box of Ferrero Rochers or Lindors at 50% off.
I actually had a very good candy Christmas (which you will see the evidence of in future reviews), but like many people, I can’t resist a bargain, even when I’ve already got a heap of Christmas chocolates at home. And so, I couldn’t resist grabbing a couple of these Hershey’s Cherry Cream Bells – 31 cents each at my local Wal-Mart (yeah, yeah, I know).
Usually chocolate items like this are filled with marshmallow, but in the case of the similar Whipped Creme Santa I just reviewed, “creme†meant a smooth, sticky marshmallow creme. (Hershey’s managed to get away with the proper spelling of “cream†for this item, perhaps due to the presence of actual milk ingredients.) I was expecting something similar from this item – with, of course, cherry flavor, but wasn’t overlooking the possibility that it was one big chocolate-covered fondant cherry cluster either. I like chocolate-covered cherries – but not necessarily ones as big as my palm.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Art,Candy Reviews,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Holiday Candy,Weird Candy

The holidays are made for candy indulgence – but does indulgence have to break the bank? We’ve attempted to discover just that in the first two parts of It Came from the Dollar Store: The Cheapo Holiday Candy Special. In Parts 1 and 2, we reviewed the tasty Whipped Creme Santa and the not-so-tasty Marshmallow Treats Santa. Now, I bring you the third and final Christmas candy from the fine folks at Dollarama: the Sugar House.
The concept behind the Sugar House is a simple one. It’s a house… made out of sugar. Lots and lots of sugar. It’s then given a gummy “occupant†– in this case, a strange little orange gumdrop man with a Santa hat and Popeye arms who seems to be radiating red icing “heat waves†– perhaps he’s an anthropomorphic flame? Is the Sucrose Shack meant to appear as if it’s in imminent danger of melting into a Caramel House? (In the company’s defense, they also do versions with a pretty decent-looking Santa and snowman.)
As if that weren’t already enough pure sugar to send anyone into diabetic shock, the house and occupant are then liberally decorated with icing. The icing detailing is actually surprisingly nice, with rainbow-colored Christmas lights and a brown chimney on the roof, blue icing “windows†on the sides, and even blue snowflakes (two shades of blue!) and white squiggles on the back of the house where they could easily have gotten away with skimping.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Classic and Retro Candy,Soft Candy

There are certain names you associate with candy. Hershey? Yes. Reese’s? Yes. Goetze? Probably not. Despite their seemingly unknown name in the candy world, you most likely have seen their products, you just didn’t know they made them.
As a company now in its fifth generation of family ownership, Goetze produces only one candy. Caramel Creams. From that product alone, they offer several flavor varieties and the spin-off version called Cow Tales.
One of those cooler perks about my job (my non-candy day job) is that I am constantly making deliveries to various businesses downtown. And though it’s always interesting to see how corporate America decorates its offices, what is more fun is that there is more likely than not a candy dish sitting at the receptionist’s desk.
A law firm up on 9th St. is a regular customer of ours, and they always have a bowl of Caramel Creams waiting for me. So on my most recent delivery, I grabbed a handful (or three) of these babies. When the receptionist gave me a crooked look for taking so many, I explained it was necessary for research purposes.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Classic and Retro Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Mint Candy,Soft Candy

When I was a kid, my candy preferences consisted of the longest-lasting candies I could afford on my meager candy allowance. But when I felt like splurging, that splurge was often Bridge Mixture.
To my childhood self, there was something sophisticated about Bridge Mixture – the mixture of dark and milk chocolate coatings, the way that you never quite knew which filling you were going to get, just like in a “grown-up†box of chocolates, the fact that it was named after a complicated grown-up card game at a time when I only knew how to play Old Maid and Crazy Eights.
Bridge Mixture seems to evoke a love-it-or-hate-it response in people, so I vowed to track down the elusive candy and see if it lived up to my childhood memories. But first, a little background info. Bridge Mixture, for those of you who don’t know, is nothing more than an assortment of chocolate-coated centers – caramel, a selection of fondants, peanuts and raisins, and two flavors of what the Internet calls “Turkish Delight,†but has always seemed to me like a pretty standard jelly. (Note that they have no relation to the Licorice Bridge Mix we’ve previously reviewed.)
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