Candy Warehouse

Old Time Candy - Yummy Candy, Discount Prices - Feel Like a Kid!

Cool and wacky candy from Japan

Cola Flavored Candy

Categories: Candy,Candy Beverages,Classic and Retro Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Gum,Gummi/Gummy Candy,Hard Candy,Lollipops,PEZ Candy,Soft Candy

Haribo Gummi Cola

I went to the World market today and my wife convinced me to pick up some Haribo Gummi Cola Bottles. I haven’t had them in ages and I forgot how good they are. That got me thinking about cola/soda flavored candies. I LOVE the cola and root beer flavored Bottlecaps. I recently tried Cola Shigeki and they were pretty good. I haven’t ever had a cola-flavored candy I didn’t like. Why don’t more companies make cola flavored candy? Am I in a small minority of people that likes the flavor?

Let’s see if we can list all the cola-flavored candies from the past and present….

Last update: February 2, 2011

What did I miss? I’ll update this list as people add comments with more ideas.