I went to the World market today and my wife convinced me to pick up some Haribo Gummi Cola Bottles. I haven’t had them in ages and I forgot how good they are. That got me thinking about cola/soda flavored candies. I LOVE the cola and root beer flavored Bottlecaps. I recently tried Cola Shigeki and they were pretty good. I haven’t ever had a cola-flavored candy I didn’t like. Why don’t more companies make cola flavored candy? Am I in a small minority of people that likes the flavor?
Let’s see if we can list all the cola-flavored candies from the past and present….
- Haribo Happy-Cola Gummi Candy (just bought some today – YUM!)
- Wonka Bottlecaps (root beer too)
- Super Cola Shigeki
- Cola-flavored PEZ
- Root Beer Barrels
- Chupa Chups has a cola flavor and a cola-lemon flavor
- Jyu-C Cola Candy (from Japan)
- Wata Gum – Cola and Orange (from Japan)
- Dr. Pepper Gum (discontinued)
- Bubblicious Cherry Cola flavor (discontinued)
- >Reed’s Candy Rolls (Root Beer) – discontinued?
- Peerless Root Beer Floats
- Mike & Ike Root Beer Float (thanks, Andrea!) – discontinued?
- Mike & Ike Cherry Cola – discontinued?
- A&W Root Beer and Dr. Pepper flavored Jelly Belly jellybeans
- Jiwa Jiwa Cola Candy – Fizzling Cola Candy from Japan
- Bubble Ball – Cola Flavor (Japanese)
- Aidin Cola Candy
- Root Beer Sanded Candy
- Haribo Fizzy Cola
- >Cola and Vanilla Wata Gum
- Meisan “Awa Awa” Cola & Ramune Candy
- Cola 6-pack
- Cherry Cola candy sticks
- Root Beer candy sticks
- Cola Cubes
- Hubba Bubba Cool Cola and Vanilla Cola (Australia?)
- Bubbaloo Cola Bubble Gum (U.K.?)
- Root Beer Float Ring Pops
- McCowan’s Cola Bar
- Lime Cola Frooties – discontinued?
- Fear Factor Cola-flavored Cockroach Bites
- Shuwa Puccho Gummy Stick (Cola)
- Marukawa Black Tongue Gum
- Cola (and Cherry) Twizzlers
- Haribo Gummi Rootbeer Barrels
- Puchi Cola Bubblegum
- Ribon Ame Bow Lollipop (Cola)
- Super Cola Candy
- Coris – Fusen Master Cola (Bubble Master)
- Cherry Cola Taffy
- Lion Cola Candy Balls
- Dr. Pepper Rush Rox Candy – discontinued?
- Pure Fun Root Beer Cotton Candy
- Cola Jolly Ranchers
- Cherry Cola Soda Jolly Ranchers
- Cola Nerds
- Cola Chewits
- Cola Balls
- Morinaga Bottle Ramune Candy — Cola Flavour
- Gummy Cola Tigers
- Hi-Chew Kids – Cola Flavor
- Japanese Lucky Gum Traditional Omikuji COLA
- Bubble Ball Bubblegum Hard Candy — Cola
- Excel Fizzy Cola Candy
- Excel Cola Chews
- Excel Cola Gum
- Playgum Cola Bubble Gum
What did I miss? I’ll update this list as people add comments with more ideas.