Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy

Every year, on beaches throughout the world, female green sea turtles haul themselves up out of the sea and perform the laborious task of laying their eggs and burying them in the sand. After about 60 days, the eggs will hatch and the young turtles must scramble across the dangerous beaches in an attempt to reach the sea.
These are not those turtle eggs.
Instead, Nestle Turtles Eggs are based on the pecan and caramel-filled chocolate candies popular at dinner parties everywhere. Now, caramel eggs are a dime a dozen around Easter time (almost literally if you wait for the after-Easter sales to do your candy shopping). But add one of my most favorite nuts, pecans, to the mix, and you have yourself a winning combination. Turtles are one of the few mainstream candies that contain pecans, but their relative expense means I don’t buy them that often, so I was pleased to be able to score one of these puppies at post-Easter sale prices.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy,Limited Edition Candy,New Candy

This Easter, a new chocolate rabbit has hit the scene. Packed with milk chocolate and peanut butter goodness, he is no ordinary Easter Bunny. He is, in fact… the Reester Bunny. And though the market is already well-saturated with rabbit-shaped treats, he’s ready to kick butt and take names – all three of him.
That’s right – Reese’s new Easter treat comes in not one, but three sizes: a big heavyweight bruiser, a middleweight sold in packages of four, and these little guys, only a couple of inches long. The design of all three is basically the same – a flat milk chocolate rabbit filled with – you guessed it – peanut butter. Each bunny is individually wrapped in silver foil stamped with the image of the bright orange, overall-wearing Reester Bunny.
The Bunny himself is a little generic, like the Easter Bunny from a random low-budget Easter special. Actually, his orange color and yellow cheeks make him look like a rabbit version of Garfield. He’s smiling, but there’s something vaguely startled or worried-looking about his eyes, as if he’s just realized it’s Monday or he’s out of lasagna.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Holiday Candy

photos in this post courtesy of Anthemic Tangle
For me, one of the best things about
Easter candy is the plethora of interesting
chocolate Easter egg flavors. For some reason, this year I kept seeing
caramel eggs everywhere. It’s like the Easter Bunny was laying them in my path in every store I visited. Being a Candy Addict, I couldn’t just ignore that kind of taunting and finally bought a bunch of different kinds to try.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Candy with Caffeine,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Holiday Candy

As we discovered in our recent review of Popping Mini Eggs, Cadbury seems willing to go to some pretty darn strange places in order to “improve†a candy that many would argue is already the pinnacle of Easter candy perfection. I like to imagine the conversation went kind of like this:
Cadbury Executive 1: Yeah, Mini Eggs are pretty darn popular.
Cadbury Executive 2: No kidding – they’re our top-selling Easter candy. But you know what’s wrong with them?
Cadbury Executive 1: No, Bob – what’s wrong with them?
Cadbury Executive 2: They’re just not MINI enough!
Cadbury Executive 1: By George… I think you’re on to something!
And thus, Micro Mini Eggs were born.
Unsurprisingly, they look just like mini versions of the regular ones, with their pale pastel colors speckled with brown. (In the picture below, the bigger eggs are regular-sized Popping Eggs.) However, they do only come in four colors – purple, yellow, blue and white. If you want to believe the bag, Purple is the chick, Blue’s the cool dude, and Yellow’s a dead ringer for my Aunt Marge. Maybe White’s the pasty nerd who never leaves his basement, thus explaining why he didn’t show up for the photo shoot.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Classic and Retro Candy,Holiday Candy,Soft Candy

all photos in this post by Anthemic Tangle
For some reason, spring always seems like Jelly Bean Season to me. I think it’s because lots of good
jelly beans show up around
Easter and then hang around for some awesome post-Easter sales.
To me, jelly beans are fun. There’s just something about them that speaks to the kid in me and makes me want to hop and play. I don’t know if it’s the bright colors, the fun shape, or the fact that I can peg my siblings in the head with them. Or all of the above. I just know I want to share the fun. Thus begins my spring hunt for jelly bean goodness.
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