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Retro Candy Flashback: Seven Up Candy Bar

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Classic and Retro Candy,Oddly-Named Candy

Seven Up Box

(Image courtesy of The Imaginary World)

Here is a guest review by Julie…

When I was about 8, our family moved to a remote part of Connecticut that was easily five miles from any main commercial shopping areas. The only place we could get candy was the neighborhood gas station, complete with a grungy, grumpy old mechanic guy who, though a bit scary, stocked some awesome candy in his little 2-bay garage; I have since wondered if he was a Candy Addict himself. Of all the candies that he had on display (and though I bought others, too), it was the Seven Up bar that got a sizable chunk of my allowance money every time.

Discontinued sometime in the 70’s, the Seven Up bar began its seven-sectioned life in the 1930s, before the 7-Up Bottling Company began making its soft drink. Eventually the 7-Up company bought the bar and retired it, so they had the exclusive use of the name whichever way it was spelled: Seven Up or 7-Up. None of that mattered a whit to me, as I was only interested in one thing: those seven sections of chocolate-covered different candy centers, meaning I was getting seven big pieces of candy in one regular-sized bar. Quite a bargain to me back then for my hard-saved pennies and nickels (shoot, I’d pay just about anything for one today)!

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Retro Candy Flashback: Garbage Can-dy

Categories: Candy,Candy For Kids,Classic and Retro Candy,Gross Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy

Topps Garbage Can-dy

(image from Retrojunk)

As a kid, there are no two things more enticing in the world than candy and toys. So when the two combine together in some way it can have quite an irresistible impact. While PEZ dispensers might be the undisputed king in this novelty treat category, another contender from my youth that still tugs at nostalgic heartstrings is Garbage Can-dy.

Vividly I remember purchasing this Topps candy at the convenience store near my Grandma’s house. The package consisted of a small plastic garbage can that you could pop the lid off of to open. Inside you would find a variety of colorful shaped pieces of candy “garbage”: fish bones, bottles, old tennis shoes, cans, etc.

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