Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy

Sweet moogley googley – what a mouthful. Being able to rattle off the name of this treat to the product ordering manager of your neighborhood supermarket or favorite mom and pop shop without referencing a cheat sheet is highly unlikely, so be sure to tuck a tangible reminder somewhere safe. By the end of this review, you’re going to need it. (Other sites refer to it as “Amy’s CRISPY Organic Candy Bar”).
Amy’s should ring a bell with fans of natural and organic convenience foods, snacks, and pantry staples due to their 25 year run as a wholesome eats purveyor. Right. That Amy’s. Now they’ve extended their higher quality, minimally processed credo to the candy biz, which is a huge plus for lovers of sweet midday nibbles.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Gourmet Candy,Soft Candy
Decade after decade, household brands like Wonder Bread and Velveeta consistently satisfy the comfort food cravings of middle America, but when a sugar craving strikes, most know that one particular product line offers a semi-elitist fix without breaking the bank — Jelly Belly.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy

When it comes to candy, decision-making is not my forte. On a recent visit to Target, I stood in the candy aisle, dazzled with options, and ended up leaving with not just one of their store-brand Choxie truffle bars, but four. Choxie has been around for a while, but I hadn’t tried anything in this line. I chose two milk chocolate bars and two dark chocolate bars: a dark chocolate raspberry lemon biscotti truffle bar, a dark chocolate mint cookie truffle bar, a milk chocolate crème brûlée truffle bar, and a milk chocolate peanut butter pretzel bar. The shiny, colorful packaging and the descriptions of what those packages contained rendered me (and my wallet) utterly helpless. I couldn’t wait to get home and discover how nearly $10 of Target candy products would taste.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy

Chuao Chocolatier isn’t a household name (yet) but we have covered their products many times here on Candy Addict® and almost without fail their products are delicious (my favorite is their Firecracker with popping candy). So, my hopes were high for their Mother’s Day special – the Breakfast in Bed Collection – with five bonbons inspired by breakfast. Unfortunately, they did not live up to my expectations.
For this review, I let my wife try each of them first (by eating half of each bonbon) since she is a mother and is the audience this product is aimed at. I noted her reaction/thoughts, then I tried each. Below is the summary of each flavor.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy
Among the very few, truly dirt cheap foods still available these days, instant ramen noodles continue their illustrious reign as the quick snack fix king of the grocery aisle. Employing a masterful blend of wheat flour, salt, and various spices along with a top secret chemical preservative mélange, the MSG-amped noodles quell hunger pangs in a pinch with only minimal side effects (if temporary tongue numbness and headaches are, in your estimation, easily dismissible).
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