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Candy Review: Dandies Vegan Marshmallows

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Gourmet Candy,Soft Candy

Dandies Marshmallow Bag

(image courtesy Cosmo’s Vegan Shoppe)
As far as I’m concerned, marshmallows have four practical applications:

  1. Direct snacking (good)
  2. Hot chocolate (better)
  3. S’mores (best)
  4. Rice Krispies Treats (sublime, to be sure, but labor-intensive and, as such, ignored here)

Armed with this intimate understanding of what I like to think of as little sugar pillows, I embarked on a three-part sampling of Dandies Vegan Marshmallows to give you, the Candy Addict reader, the most comprehensive look possible at this exciting product.

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