Looking for something new to drool over – or on, as the case may be? There are loads of candy-themed items online… you can find candy-shaped pillows, candy t-shirts, and candy-themed messenger bags – you’re almost sure to find something featuring your favorite candy, past or present.
Be sure and check out this extensive collection of candy-themed t-shirts. You can find Wonka tees with Nerds, Runts, or Laffy Taffy; classic candy like Butterfinger, Crunch, and Goobers; lots of Dubble Bubble clothing, and even “lesser” candies like Chupa Chups, Razzles, Bit-O-Honey, Fun Dip, and Wax Lips. Some of their shirts are really awesome!
Nerd Tshirt
Thursday, April 20, 2006 - written by

I wrote about
this super-cool tshirt previously and my sister came through for me on
my birthday and got one for me. I still think it’s the greatest Tshirt ever. So, after six months of writing Candy Addict, I now have my first candy tshirt. I’m wearing it right now and I’m feeling extra Nerd-y. Thanks, sis!

I am a sucker (no pun intended) for a good tshirt and if it’s candy-themed then all the better. Threadless has just reprinted a great candy-themed tshirt called Operation: Sweet Tooth. What a killer (no pun intended) shirt. I’m not sure why “sugar” is spelled “suguar” though. Is that an inside joke that I don’t get? If anyone reading wants to get me a gift, I’ll take this shirt please, thank you. XL.
Operation: Sweet Tooth at Threadless
candy, clothing, shirt, tshirt, t-shirt, tank, tanks
I’m speechless. I just found the best candy Tshirt ever at Split Reason. It combines my two loves: candy and nerdiness (my other blog).

I’m a cheapass though and I can’t justify the $23 (with shipping cost). Still a great shirt though! Anyone else have a favorite candy-related Tshirt?