Categories: Candy,Candy News,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,New Candy

The chocolate bar has been around since 1847. In one form or another, cake has been around since long before then. But in recent years we’ve seen a surge of interest in cupcakes, designer cakes and cake pops. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if someone somehow combined both the candy bar and the cake worlds to prove to all of the naysayers out there that this whole cake fascination is more than a fad? Well, that’s exactly what Ryan Taylor did.
Along with little sister Krystal as baker, cake-loving Ryan began experimenting with recipes that married cake and candy. The result? Cakedy (pronounced cake-uh-dee, for all you word nerds).
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy

Chuao Chocolatier isn’t a household name (yet) but we have covered their products many times here on Candy Addict® and almost without fail their products are delicious (my favorite is their Firecracker with popping candy). So, my hopes were high for their Mother’s Day special – the Breakfast in Bed Collection – with five bonbons inspired by breakfast. Unfortunately, they did not live up to my expectations.
For this review, I let my wife try each of them first (by eating half of each bonbon) since she is a mother and is the audience this product is aimed at. I noted her reaction/thoughts, then I tried each. Below is the summary of each flavor.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,New Candy
With a name like Heavenly Bites, you automatically expect that the sweet little sensation you’re about to dive into is chock full of divine inspiration. Given the fact that this 100% natural confection, produced by Boulder, Colorado’s Oh Yes You Candy!, is made with carob rather than chocolate, I immediately knew that an absolute miracle would have to occur for me to like it.
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Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Novelty Candy,Weird Candy
Among the very few, truly dirt cheap foods still available these days, instant ramen noodles continue their illustrious reign as the quick snack fix king of the grocery aisle. Employing a masterful blend of wheat flour, salt, and various spices along with a top secret chemical preservative mélange, the MSG-amped noodles quell hunger pangs in a pinch with only minimal side effects (if temporary tongue numbness and headaches are, in your estimation, easily dismissible).
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Categories: Candy,Candy News,Chocolate Candy,Novelty Candy
Depending on your advertising and technology knowledge, you may or may not be familiar with Quick Response Codes, more commonly known as QR Codes. Made up of a matrix bar code that can be photographed and then read with a mobile app, QR Codes link to more information about a company – revealing anything from text to contact info to a website. And now there are chocolate QR Codes!
Yes, you read that correctly. Promotional company Chocolate Graphics uses a patented process to create edible advertising—QR Codes made from 100% chocolate.
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