Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Gourmet Candy,New Candy

Sometimes, we like to mix it up at Candy Addict and today is one of those occasions! It’s Haiku candy review time! You may have read some of our past Haiku reviews. They were well received so we’re doing it again! Today, we’ll be reviewing Sulpice Chocolat’s milk and dark chocolate bars. Each designer bar is hand-painted and combines a medley of chocolate, herbs, and spices. Without further ado…
Cardamom, Cloves, Ceylon Cinnamon, Vanilla, Tellicherry Black Pepper, & Milk Chocolate
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Categories: Candy,Candy Giveaways,Candy News,Classic and Retro Candy,Lollipops

I love Tootsie rolls. Absolutely love them. I also like Tootsie Pops, but have pretty much always considered them a hassle because I have to wait so long to get to the delicious Tootsie Roll. Despite all the trouble, I’ve never passed one up. So, when some angel at work brought in a ginormous box of them, I was freakin’ thrilled. Free Tootsie Pops at work? Can this place get any better? Incidentally, yes, because when that box was gone, miraculously, another appeared.
Back to the point of the story – the folks at Tootsie Roll are having a “How Many Licks” to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop sweepstakes. Enter to win $50,000 or free candy – I did! I’m not gonna tell you what my guess was because I don’t want to influence your guess, but I suggest you do a little experimenting yourself. I was less than successful and stopped at about 142 licks – how many can you do?
Categories: Candy,Classic and Retro Candy,Name That Candy

There must be something about this time of year that makes people nostalgic. One of our readers, Valerie, is dreaming of a favorite candy bar that she used to LOVE as a child!
It was coconut, similar to a Mounds bar texture, but had a layer of cherry across the top. If you bit into it, the cherry did not leak out – it was soft but not liquid with a consistency of jelly/jello. The whole thing was then covered in a thin layer of chocolate. I used to buy 4 of them for a dollar as often as I possibly could.
I bought them in Alameda, California, possibly in a Safeway store on “Bay Farm Island” (Zip 94502) sometime between 1980-1985. They were individually-wrapped bars and packaged in shiny, brown foil wrappers with red writing. They were very flat, 6 inch long, candy bars and were not even half an inch tall.
I don’t know what it is, but it sounds delicious! Can anyone help her remember the name of this candy?
Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,New Candy

I fancy myself a bit of a pastry connoisseur, so when I received the samples of Cinnamon Bun Bites in the mail, it would not be an exaggeration to say I was overjoyed! Examining the package, my pastry-craving kicked into overdrive. I could smell the freshly-baked aroma of cinnamon bun emanating from the box. How did they do it?! I couldn’t wait to taste the delightful-smelling morsels of cinnamon and sugar. I mean, hey, these are by the same makers of Cookie Dough Bites, after all! How could they not be fantastic?
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Categories: Awesomely Addictive Candy,Candy,Candy Giveaways,Candy Reviews,Chocolate Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,New Candy

I love everything about Ritter Sport chocolate. I love that it’s a family-owned business since 1912. I love the cheerful colors of the wrappings. I love the squareness of the bars. I love that there are so many unique flavors – Butter Biscuit, Yogurt, Milk Chocolate with Strawberry Creme – and regular Dark and Milk chocolate, too. Most of all, I seriously love the taste of this chocolate. It’s all incredibly good! I’m talking, “I want to try every variety ever made and will hunt for them across the globe”, obsessively good.
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