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Candy Review: Young and Smylie Licorice

Categories: Candy,Candy Reviews,Licorice Candy,New Candy

Young and Smylie Soft Eating Licorice

As I was perusing the massive Hershey booth at the All Candy Expo, I was surprised to see what appeared to be bags of soft licorice among the typical Hershey offerings, mostly of the chocolate variety. Much to my chagrin, however, everything was under lock and key and I had no idea what exactly these new licorice confections might be. When we finally met with the Hershey representative, she explained that they were launching a new line of soft eating licorice. Naturally, I immediately asked for samples but was disappointed to learn that they didn’t have any available at the show. I was promised a shipment as soon as they were available and went home hoping that day would come quickly.

Needless to say, I was overjoyed to receive a box containing a very nice box and a package of each flavor: black licorice, strawberry, and peach mango. Naturally, being a black licorice fan, I opted to try that one first.

As I started to rip open the bag, I noticed something that both shocked and surprised me… resealable bags! Oh my god! No more folding over the tops of opened bags only to pick them up the wrong way and have the contents dump all over the ground. No more stuffing myself to finish a bag just so they won’t get stale. It’s a revolutionary breakthrough! Ok, so it’s actually just the candy industry catching up to the pet food industry (do dogs really need to have zipper protected kibble?), but it was a beautiful thing nonetheless. Anyway, on to the tasting….

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Ctrl-Alt-Del candy

Categories: Candy,Licorice Candy

ctrl-alt-delete candy

Being the uber computer geek that I am, I can’t help but love these Ctrl-Alt-Delete candies, despite the fact that they are made with black licorice (YUCK). I’m sure Caitlin, our licorice expert would LOVE these. If they only made these in red “licorice” I’d definitely have to get some.

Unfortunately, they are all sold out right now and there is no indication of when/if they will be back in stock.

Today Is National Licorice Day

Categories: Candy,Candy News,Licorice Candy

Red Vines Red And Black Mix

Today, April 12 is National Licorice Day! So go out and get yourself some licorice and celebrate! If you’re not into the real stuff (the black licorice), I heartily recommend some Red Vines – man they’re good.

If you are into the hard stuff, drop by Licorice International – they can hook you up with some good stuff. Take a browse through our licorice category for lots and lots of licorice reviews so you can find something really good.

So, what’s your favorite way to celebrate National Licorice Day?

Red Vines Drawing Contest

Categories: Candy,Candy Art,Candy Giveaways,Licorice Candy

Red Vines Drawing Contest

Red Vines is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its Red Vines Original Twist Trays by bringing back its drawing contest with lots of great prizes, including an educational scholarship or a vacation for four and the chance to have winning drawings featured on the Red Vines tray packaging.

Just create a Red Vines themed piece of art and you could win some great prizes! Take a look at the full contest details and reviews. You can also see some past winners’ artwork in the Red Vines gallery. There is some amazing artwork in there.

red vines, contest, licorice

Licorice Candy Review: Black Opal Australian Red Licorice and RJ’s Raspberry Natural Licorice

Categories: Candy,Foreign (non-US) Candy,Licorice Candy

Black Opal Red Licorice

This month, I’ve decided to combine two months’ worth of Licorice of the Month Club fare into one big happy post. The reason for this is twofold – first of all, with the holidays I’ve been absurdly busy, and second, the two candies I’m profiling are red versions of black licorice I absolutely love.

First up is Black Opal Real Australian Raspberry Licorice. As I’ve mentioned before, I love Black Opal’s black licorice. The raspberry, however, is a different beast all together. Like its black brethren, this candy is very soft and not at all sticky, but there the similarities end. Where the black licorice has a fairly mild yet intriguing taste, the red seems to scream “I am raspberry, hear me roar!”

To be entirely honest, I’m not sure how true to an actual raspberry taste it is; I’ve avoided the fresh berry ever since I was a kid and had a mild allergic reaction to them. However, I can tell you it’s very sweet, almost to the point of overpowering. It doesn’t have that icky waxiness so endemic to Twizzlers and other such candy, though, so if you really like red licorice, this would probably be right up your alley.

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