Yes, another Limited Edition Kit Kat. I swear I could probably have a whole site devoted to just Kit Kat and that would keep me busy.
I first heard of this Kit Kat variation when David at Way Awesome reviewed it – he wasn’t impressed and I wasn’ t going to go out of my way to get one. The other day though, I was in the local dollar store and they had them there (2/$1.00) and I couldn’t resist so I snagged one.
At first sniff, it really does smell like a milkshake – I’m not even sure how to describe what a milkshake smells like, but this did remind me of a milkshake. Upon tasting, it has a good, slightly malty flavor. It does say on the wrapper “Crisp Wafers in Extra Creamy Malt Milk Chocolate”. The chocolate seems a bit more milk chocolatey than usual too. You know, I think I like this better than regular Kit Kat. Of course, I really like malt flavor, so that was to be expected.
It’s a “Limited Edition” so it probably won’t be around long, so I suggest grabbing one if you like malt-flavored chocolate. When I had finished the Milkshake Kit Kat, I wanted more. I guess that says it all.
I’ll admit it….before I started this site, I had no idea candy companies made their candies in different flavors in other countries. Well, they do. Recently, Hershey’s has come out with multiple new flavors in the U.S. – Extra Creamy, Coffee, White Chocolate, Orange Creme, and Mint. In Japan, Kit Kat is made by Nestle and now also comes in Noir, Wine, Strawberry, and White Maple Syrup. The reviews for Strawberry and White Maple Syrup are coming next week. For an amazing full list of Kit Kat flavors (with pictures), check out the Wikipedia Kit Kat page.
The Reviews:

Noir: Both the Noir and Wine flavors come in small boxes containing 16 mini Kit Kat bars which are
so freakin’ cute. The outside of the Noir is covered by a dark, bitter chocolate, there is a nut cream between the wafers, and it is dusted with a rich cocoa powder. The Noir Kit Kat is good…really good. It tastes expensive and decadent – not two words I usually associate with Kit Kat. If you like Kit Kat
and dark chocolate, you should love Noir Kit Kat.

Wine: I don’t like red wine at all, so I was expecting to dislike this flavor, but I was pleasantly surprised. It didn’t taste like wine to me or my wife. It’s a super-creamy, slightly strawberry-ish flavor that tastes really good. The description of it says it has a distinct wine aftertaste, but I didn’t taste it at all. Despite (or because of it) the fact that it didn’t taste like like wine to me, it was quite good if not a bit sweet – almost too sweet. Definitely worth a try though.
Buy Japanese Kit Kat at Jbox.com
Wikipedia Kit Kat page
breaktown.com (Japanese Kit Kat site)
Personally, I’ve always found Kit Kat bars to be rather creamy already, so when I saw the Extra Creamy Limited Edition bar, I was intrigued. Next to it in the store was a Limited Edition Coffee Kit Kat so, of course, I had to try both!
Extra Creamy: The extra creamy Kit Kat really didn’t taste any different to me. It just seemed to melt faster. Perhaps that’s what extra creamy means. I guess M&Ms will never come out with a limited edition extra creamy brand of M&Ms or that would ruin their whole “melts in your mouth, not in your hands” motto. . . but I digress. It was definitely a good Kit Kat, but I don’t think the candy world should shed any tears when this limited edition bar goes out of season. It doesn’t taste different enough from the regular bar to warrant even picking it up. Now the Coffee Kit Kat, that’s an entirely different story. . .
Coffee: I, for one, am not a fan of coffee. I do, however, enjoy the smell of coffee, but that’s as far as it goes. Because of this, I had my fiance, who really likes coffee, give me his opinion of the coffee Kit Kat. First of all, the moment he opened the package, it was like we were in the coffee aisle at the grocery store. It was seriously pungent. We were both hopeful that this would be an excellent addition to the Kit Kat bar family. I had no idea that this would only end in tears. He tasted the bar, he was less than pleased. He insisted I try it, even though I already dislike coffee. It’s like that SNL skit where one person tastes bad milk and offers it to everyone else at the table saying, “this is terrible, you have to try it”. So I tried it. I would say it tasted like coffee. . . grinds. Seriously, it was like chewing up coffee grinds.
Maybe it was the crunchiness of the wafer inside that made me think that, but it was the worst chocolate candy bar either of us had ever tasted. Neither of us could even swallow it. We left the Coffee Kit Kat carcass on the coffee table while we began to watch a movie and a few minutes into it, I had to go throw the candy in the trash can because the mere smell of it made me feel ill. Lesson learned, just because it smells good, doesn’t mean it tastes good.
To sum up, Extra Creamy Kit Kat – just as good as the original, it just melts faster. Coffee Kit Kat – spawn of Satan, stay away.
Hershey’s Kit Kat site