A recent migrant to southern California, Rachel embodies both stereotype and anomaly. Like so many Caifornians, she’s (proudly) eccentric and open-minded, and enjoys performing. Unlike the stereotypical anorexic Hollywoodite, however, she loves candy. Tasty and unusual candies are a passion of hers — and her never-ending quest for unique treats is aided by her background in languages.
Rachel has discovered many a beloved sweet at L.A.’s ethnic markets. Some favorites include Pocky, Indian burfi, and foreign candy bars. She’ll try anything new or different. Despite all the interesting edibles nearby, Rachel must confess a love for the classics. She is an unrepentant chocoholic, and living within walking distance of both a See’s and a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, she’s ideally situated.
When not working or embarking on her latest candy-quest, Rachel can frequently be found either at the local karaoke club or walking along the beach, mulling over ideas which later manifest as sketches and writings in nearby cafes. A relative newcomer to the blogosphere, Rachel is very much enjoying her experiences with Candy Addict and its sister site, Snackerrific!