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Top 10 Love ‘em or Hate ‘em Candies

If there’s one thing I’ve learned since joining the Candy Addict staff it’s… well… it’s that any man, regardless of age, build, or boxer short selection is sexy in a tub full of jelly beans. But also that candy, despite its sweet nature, can be a very divisive subject. Sure, it’s hard to quibble over […]

Valentine’s Day Candy Roundup

As everyone knows, Valentine’s Day is one of the Big Four for Candy Addicts. Along with Christmas, Easter and Halloween, it’s a ready-made excuse to indulge in our favorite pastime – candy! This year, Candy Addict has brought you everything from conversation hearts to chocolate skulls and chocolate covered fortune cookies. If you’re feeling a […]

Candy Review: BitterSweets

Two years ago this time, Brian was bringing you news of a new Valentine’s candy made just for the dejected singles among us, BitterSweets. Being a dejected single myself, I jumped at the chance to sample this year’s batch. Now, I know you’ve seen those little heart-shaped candies imprinted with messages that always seem to […]

Candy Review: Embittermints

Putting words on candy isn’t a new concept. We’ve already mentioned conversation hearts, personalized M&Ms, and even chocotelegrams. For those who crave something different for their Valentines there’s even BitterSweets, with sayings like “SETTLE 4 LESS” and “PRENUP OKAY?”. But, you say, those are just for Valentine’s Day. What if I need to send an […]

Necco Human Heart

I am constantly amazed at the serious artwork that is made with candy. Check out this amazing human heart made out of Necco Conversation Hearts done by famous Lego artist Nathan Sawaya. It even has veins running through it made with purple hearts! There is not much info on the site about it, but Nathan […]