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Easter Candy Review: Starburst Sour Jellybeans
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there is a plethora of jellybean offerings on the Easter candy shelves this year. I say the more, the merrier, but not all jellybeans are created equal. I like sour candies, so I tried to determine which package of jellybeans might be the most sour. I decided upon […]
Name That Easter Candy: Naked jellybeans, German taffy, and squished Kisses
Every week we do a Name That Candy post where we post descriptions of long-lost candy sent in by readers and you get to see if you can help figure out what candy it is. This one comes from a reader named Rachel: They were these jelly beans that lacked the outer coating that a […]
Candy Poll: How do you eat your jellybeans?
Survey Polls – Take Our Poll My wife recently received a big bag of Jelly belly jellybeans as a gift and she took them in to her new job to share. She was amazed that so many people take a handful of them and pop them in all in their mouth. Both she and I […]
The History of Jellybeans
Jellybeans and Easter go together like…like peanut butter and chocolate. (Yes, of course I’m going for the candy-related metaphor first.) Thanks to companies like Jelly Belly, these chewy favorites with the hard candy shell have gone kind of upscale, but there’s no question that a large amount of bean-eating happens among kids (and adults!) on […]
Jelly Belly Lollibeans Pops
Recently, Jelly Belly introduced a confection that I’ve been dying to try. Their Lollibeans Pops are lollipops (just in case the name didn’t give it away) shaped like their famous jellybeans and coming in a few of the same flavors. Among those that I’d love to try are watermelon, grape, and root beer, all of […]