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2007 Peeps Celebrity Survey

(images courtesy and Yahoo!Photos) According to a survey released by Just Born (so you have to imagine that the results might be a bit biased), the celebrity that most resembles a Peep (“either in physique, colorful attire, or sweet nature/personality”) is Will Ferrell. I wonder what criteria people thought of when they chose Will? […]

The Ten Peeps Plagues

(Plague 3: Lice) Peeps are normally an Easter candy, but someone figured out a way to use them to celebrate Passover too. This Flickr set depicts (in Peeps form) the Ten Plagues that God set upon Egypt. Extremely clever! I particularly like the looks on the faces of the Peeps (yes, they have expressive faces) […]

Easter Candy Review: New Peeps Products

Just Born, the makers of Peeps, the holy grail of Easter candy, are on the fast track to cornering all the holidays. Peeps are now available in various colors and shapes to accommodate a variety of holidays. Did you ever think you’d be able to buy Peeps in every season? Well, Easter is the ultimate […]

Valentine’s-Themed Peeps

Once upon a time, Just Born’s Marshmallow Peeps were strictly an Easter candy, and they garnered a huge following, as evidenced by the amount of websites and articles devoted to them. Naturally, Candy Addict has already collected a lot of those links. Within the past few years, Peeps have been popping up all over the […]

Peeps Roundup

Personally, I don’t like Peeps … never have … but tons of people do and writing about Peeps seems to be all the rage nowadays so I’ll jump on the bandwagon and give you a roundup of a bunch of Peeps links in one post (how is that for a run-on sentence?): Official Peeps webpage […]