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Candy Poll: How do you eat your jellybeans?
Survey Polls – Take Our Poll My wife recently received a big bag of Jelly belly jellybeans as a gift and she took them in to her new job to share. She was amazed that so many people take a handful of them and pop them in all in their mouth. Both she and I […]
The History of Jellybeans
Jellybeans and Easter go together like…like peanut butter and chocolate. (Yes, of course I’m going for the candy-related metaphor first.) Thanks to companies like Jelly Belly, these chewy favorites with the hard candy shell have gone kind of upscale, but there’s no question that a large amount of bean-eating happens among kids (and adults!) on […]
Exclusive Candy Review: Sausage and Pickle Flavored Harry Potter Jellybeans
(click to enlarge) Over the weekend, the gang over at Hasbro/Cap Candy sent me some samples of the new Harry Potter Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans that are due out on the market sometime around February 2007. Words can’t express how excited I was when I saw them. It literally gave me goosebumps knowing that […]
Jelly Belly visitor wins his weight in jellybeans
What would you do with your weight in Jelly Belly Jellybeans? Well, if you’re Mike Lively, the answer is “figure out how to get them home”. Mike, a 41 year old Indiana steel worker, was the 1,000,000th visitor to the Jelly Belly factory in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin this past Wednesday, and he won his weight […]
Grossest Candy – Jellybeans, Ear Wax, and Bugs
Grossest Candy #4 – Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans Anyone who wonders how these Harry Potter jellybeans could make our Top 10 Grossest Candy list has not tried these. They are disgusting. I reviewed them a while back and it still brings back bad memories for me. The flavors: Bacon, Black Pepper, Booger, Dirt, Earthworm, […]