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Jellio Seat Hearts

From Jellio, Candy Addict’s favorite candy-themed furniture maker, come “Seat Hearts” – conversation heart-shaped seats/ottomans in a variety of colors and messages. Great for the special person in your life, or just to add some sweet fun to any room, our new Jellio Seat Hearts are the perfect way to show your romantic side. Choose […]

Candy Review: SweeTARTS Hearts

Certain candies catch my eye during the holidays that I normally avoid consuming throughout the regular year. Why? Well, by the time you gulp down whatever candy you just bought, chances are it has been sitting on a shelf for quite some time. I mean, I always see gas stations stocking limited edition bars made […]

Candy Review: Swizzels Love Hearts

By now all our European and other non-US readers are wondering what the big hullabaloo is about conversation hearts. If you didn’t grow up in the US getting at least one Valentine with one of them stuck to a tear-out Mickey Mouse card every year, well, you would understandably be a bit lost. Lucky for […]

Candy Addict Staff Writer – HeatherR

Hi! I’m Heather: mild-mannered children’s librarian by day; voracious jellybean-snarfing, chocolate-smearing, Tootsie Pop-gnawing Candy Addict® by night (and, well, let’s face it, by morning and afternoon and midnight snack, too). Trying to name my favorite candy is just as impossible as eating conversation hearts without my tongue turning fluorescent pink. But I particularly love chocolate, […]

New writers hired!

We have just hired three excellent writers to keep the candy news, views, and reviews coming here on Candy Addict®! Here is a brief intro to them: Eliza Greetings, fellow sugar lovers. By day, I’m an intrepid journalist, eager to make the world a better place by educating, entertaining and even inspiring my readers. Once […]