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What Flavor of Pocky Are You?

You Are Green Tea Pocky Your attitude: natural and zen Peaceful yet full of life. Deep and thoughtful. You’re halfway to tantric bliss! I’ve always enjoyed filling out the hundreds of online quizzes that exist on the internet. Luckily, I’ve finally found one that suited for all us Candy Addicts: The What Flavor of Pocky […]

Candy Review: Grape and Apple Decorer Pocky

Pocky, for those of you who are unfamiliar, is one of the most popular candies in Japan. It’s basically a long thin biscuit stick that has a flavored frosting coating covering one end. In the past decade it has been increasing in popularity in the US. Many varieties and flavors exist with chocolate being the […]

Candy Review: Pocky Chocolate

I finally picked up a box of Pocky for $1.00 at my local Asian Market yesterday. I have seen it many times and have always been curious what it was like. It comes in a bright red box labeled “Pocky,” and it has what looks like a bunch of sticks pictured on the front. There […]

Japanese Candy Review: Four Seas Milk Candy

Yup, it’s another Japanese candy reviewed by Laurie. With the large number of Asian grocers in my area, as long as Japan keeps cranking ‘em out, I’m going to keep reviewing ‘em – and as the Japanese candy industry is at least as productive as the American candy industry, if not more so, it doesn’t […]

Japanese Candy Review: Glico Walky Walky

On my last trip to my favorite Asian grocery store, T&T, I was surprised to find what looked like a lot of takeout coffee cups on the shelf in the candy section. Had a crowd of coffee drinkers decided to abandon their beverages in the candy aisle en masse? But upon closer inspection, it was […]