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» Currently browsing: Gum

Gum Review: Search for Spearmint Mini-Roundup Part 2

1911 Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum Advertisement Click Image to View Larger Size I’m the girl with the Spearmint Eyes. Once a Spearmint Girl, always a Spearmint Girl… only Wrigley let me down. So I’ve been on a quest to replace my first love, and it’s time for the second part of my stroll down Spearmint Lane. […]

Candy Craft: Gum Pops

With spring trying desperately to make itself known, I thought it would be nice to try another of Beth Kimmerle’s crafty candy creations (say that ten times fast!). Today I bring you gum pops, fun treats that are easy to make, fun for kids (and adults!), and great for the season.

Candy Review: Fini Candies

When your apartment is routinely inundated with candy samples from various companies, it really means something when you consistently return to one box in search of your daily sugar fix. In the past few weeks, that box has been from Fini. When I first got an email from Fini, I wasn’t sure what to expect […]

Candy History: Orbit Gum, Then and Now

Image from Gasoline Alley Antiques I’ve always enjoyed studying history, especially U.S. history. When I learn something new I’m amazed at how ignorant and totally clueless I can be, even when it comes to something as simple as gum. For years I thought Orbit gum was a relatively new product from Wrigley. Wrong! Orbit has […]

Gum Review: Orbit Mist

Orbit Mist is a new line of gum from The Wrigley Company. It’s touted as a premium gum and contains little crystals – called Micro-Bursts – that the Orbit website says will “deliver a hydrating sensation to consumers.” Now I can only assume that it means “to consumers who purchase and chew Orbit Mist.” When […]